
The Benefits of the Word of God (Part I)

But evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived.  But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them, 2Timothy 2:13-14

We live in uncertain and fast-changing times. We are continually bombarded with onslaught of new information where many times, it is difficult to discern what is true or false anymore. Interestingly, Paul knew that these uncertain times would come, so he instructed Timothy by writing to him the value and the significance of the word of God. He first warned Timothy of the perilous times and perilous people who would have no regard for truth or godliness. He then expounded by stating that evil men and imposters will continue to increase. Paul stated that these individuals are deceived, and in turn, they will deceive others with false teachings and ideologies. Hence, Paul admonished Timothy in valuing God’s word.

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness,  that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17

In the above passage, Paul reminded Timothy that the word of God is inspired by God. Men did not write the scriptures on their own, but they were led by the Lord to pen what He directed them to write. The word of God is alive and active, and it has the power to transform us! Since the scriptures are inspired by God, they are profitable for God’s people. Do we treasure the word of God more than silver, gold, or diamonds!?

Many people are looking for worldly profits by pursuing to make more money, get promoted, or win the lottery. They think if they can make it big, all their problems will be solved, and they can live life happily ever after. This thinking is also true for some believers. While they may speak of wealth, status, and promotion as not being important in life, but if you watch their lives and their choices, you’ll find that their priorities are not much different than the world’s except possibly attending church on Sundays!

God’s word is profitable because it brings order to people’s lives. It removes confusion and make the path of life clear and simple. The word of God gives us doctrine and foundational teaching about who God is and what He desires for His children. Being taught in doctrine is like laying a solid foundation for a house. It is not visible by others, but it is very important for the stability and the reliability of the building. When the winds and the rains come, a solid foundation allows the house to stand and not cave in to the pressure of the circumstances.

Similarly, doctrine establishes us and allows us to get settled and secure in our knowledge of God. Without solid doctrine, we can be like a ship tossed to and fro with every wind of teaching and doctrine that emerge in each generation. The scriptures give us a blueprint for who God is, what Jesus did for us, the role of the Holy Spirit, the problem with sin, Satan’s work in the earth, eternal life and judgment, and many other valuable foundational teachings.

Do you know how to study the scriptures? Do you find them profitable for your walk as a believer? Have you studied the various doctrines of your faith? Do you know the scriptures that back up your beliefs?