
What Is in Your Hands? (Part II)


Our walk with the Lord is meant to be simple and organic. God uses us by placing his supernatural power and anointing upon our natural abilities. He chooses to use what is in our hands to be a blessing to others. We get to participate in the work of the Kingdom with what has been deposited in us spiritually as well as naturally. …

How Are You Doing with Your Time?

I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything”—but not everything is constructive. No one should seek their own good, but the good of others. 1Corinthians 10:23-24

How are you doing with your time these days? you are struggling in any area of your life and you need prayer, please private message me. I would love to pray with you.

Posted by Know His Ways on Monday, April 6, 2020

As we begin the third week of shelter in place, it may start wearing on us. It’s hard to imagine that this will go on for weeks to come, so it’s easy to lose energy and enthusiasm and start just enduring it. However, this is a great opportunity to pay attention to those things that we didn’t have time to do before.

Quiet Time

Obviously, the first and foremost important priority is developing a regular quiet time with the Lord. This is the perfect opportunity to spend some extra time studying the word of God, praying, and listening to the voice of God!

In addition to developing a richer quiet time, there are practical things we can do that we haven’t had time to pay attention to in the past. Below are some examples of areas that may need attention:

Make a Budget

Some people have been meaning to put a budget together, but they were too busy to do anything about it!  Money was spent too fast and uncontrollably to get a handle on it. Now is a good time to start putting a plan in place and start tracking your expenses. Since our expenses are not as varied right now, they are easier to track. If you stay consistent with tracking your expenses, you may actually develop a habit that you will want to continue. Over time, it will help you identify areas that you can tighten your spending and feel more in control of your life and expenses.

Organizing Pictures

Others have pictures collected over the years that need to be organized and be placed in photo albums. Whether you have albums right now or not, you can still organize the pictures and get them ready to place them in photo albums. It’s also a great opportunity to go over them with family members and    reminisce about the past family events and gatherings.

Tackle the Garage

There are those whose garages need attention,  and this is a good opportunity to start the project. It may seem overwhelming, but begin by tackling one section at a time!

Read a Book

Some people that you respect have recommended or have given you books to read. Spend time reading the book that you have been meaning to read and have not had time. It will be help you and benefit you to use your time constructively and learn something new.

Work Heartily as unto the Lord

If you are working from home, do it with diligence.  Since you are still getting paid, do your work as unto the Lord not because someone is watching but because you are representing the Kingdom.

As the above scripture tells us many activities could be permissible but what is beneficial to you and your family? What gives the opportunity to build our character in the hidden place rather than giving in to our flesh and allowing it to lead us into complacency or laziness.

Plan your day and your week

Make a plan for your day and even for your week and try to stay true to the plan as much as possible. Set some goals to accomplish that you will feel good about, and will release you from the burdens you have been carrying. In addition, if you have children at home, they are watching you and learning how they should use their time when no one is watching.