We are entering the season of giving, so many of us shop for nice things and give gifts to others. However, spiritually speaking, there is more to giving than just buying gifts.
For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16
Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know Him. 1 John 3:1
God’s greatest gift and merciful act to humanity were sending Jesus to this world to save the world from sin and hell. The gift of salvation is eternal, but it is also ever-present. The gift of salvation opened the door for us to be freed from sin and hell, but God did even more. He adopted us into His own family. We now belong to Him as His children. He has a covenant relationship with us because of the blood of Jesus. The Holy Spirit is also ever-present leading and guiding us in life. We are no longer orphans in the world. We are not alone, but we have a helper who walks with us and guides us. He is awesome! Hallelujah!
Now that we have this gift, we are also called to give this gift away. We are called to look for the lost sheep and invite them home. Many who are lost in this world and they need someone to share the good news of salvation with them.
When was the last time you were embarrassed to give a gift to someone!? Generally, the gift giver is excited about what they are about to give the person whom they love and care about. Isn’t the gift of salvation the greatest gift that we can share!? The world and the culture have made us question if it is ok to share our faith. Sometimes we are even shy or awkward about it, but in reality, those are the messages that we have heard from the culture. We don’t see the disciples as shy or awkward about it. As a matter of fact, many were persecuted for their faith and that still did not stop them from boldly sharing Christ!
Let’s pray and ask the Lord for opportunities to be lovingly bold. We need to see sharing Christ with others as giving the best gift to someone that will change their lives forever.