The Sign of the Times (Part III)

Jesus provided additional signs that will usher the end of the age.

And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another.  Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many. Matthew 24:10-11

easily-offendedJesus predicted that many will be offended. The word “offense” in its Greek root means “bait”. The enemy uses an offense as a bait.

Jesus is speaking to His disciples about rampant growth of offenses at the end of the age. He knew that Christians are not immune to getting baited by offense. As a matter of fact, it appears that we can find many reasons to get offended. First, we have strong convictions about truth that open the door to offense towards anyone who does not see things our way. Second, we develop high expectations of those who are called Christians which leads to get ting offended by those who profess faith but their actions don’t match up with their words. Third, we get offended by those who see things differently politically because we think they want to harm our nation and take it in an ungodly direction. As a result, we have plenty of opportunities to get baited by offenses.

Jesus is showing us how the path of offense will lead us to betraying and hating one another. We need to be very careful not to get trapped by various offenses that lure us to denying or hating others.

It is easy to get distracted from the major points of the gospel and to create our own mini-version of gospel and the things we really care about. This can lead to all sorts of disagreements with others that will not matter at the end of the age. 

Jesus then states that many false prophets will arise. How can offenses lead to the rise of false prophets? Generally people scatter after being offended. They walk away from relationships. They leave their congregation or their spiritual support, and this can lead them to fall prey to other voices and false teachings. In addition, when one has hatred in their hearts, it is easier to rebel against the established system. Their offense causes them to open themselves up to other voices and other inputs.

Therefore, we need to guard our hearts, forgive, and let go of  offenses quickly.

I will continue with this subject in the next devotional and other signs that Jesus shared with His disciples.

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