Put Yourself Out Of Work

As a parent, we enjoy our children in their different stages of life.  We relish every season of their development such as walking, babbling their first few words, reading for the first time, learning their multiplication tables, and so on. However, those are only pleasurable and cute at the right stage!! If your 13 year old can’t read more than a page, or your 15 year old is still trying to remember the multiplication table, you would be more concerned than joyful!!

Jesus desired His disciples to mature and do well at the right season!!

Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater [works] than these he will do, because I go to My Father. John 14:12

Jesus, the son of God, the perfect one is preparing the disciples for His departure. The disciples were going to move in a new season of life, and more maturity was required of them. Jesus had spent 3 ½ years teaching and developing His disciples. He showed them everything He was doing on earth. He then declared that they will do greater works than he had done!! What a statement of security, humility, and trust on Jesus’ part!!

Recently, I have been teaching my daughter how to drive. She is doing pretty well, but there are times that it’s unnerving to be in the car!! I’m taking a risk with my life and her life by letting her drive. I would prefer to be the driver and just give her rides everywhere.  This may work for a couple of years, but do I want to have a 20 year old who still needs a ride from her Mom? Not really!! That requires me to give her the opportunity to learn to drive in the hope that someday she will become a skilled driver. To let her grow up, I need to take a risk with her, and I also have to be secure enough that when she learns to drive, I’m ok with not being needed for rides anymore!!

Jesus did the same thing with us in much grander scale!! He chooses to trust us with His name. He chooses to trust us with people, because He was secure enough to say that you will do greater works than I have done. That doesn’t make me proud; it brings me to humilit!!. He trusted me with such an awesome task. Lord, can I love your children the way you want me to? Will I represent you well? Can I pass on what I have lived, learned, and know to the next group of Christians? Can I tell them someday, “You will do greater works, and I will be here to cheer you on?”

Jesus is modeling a lifestyle!! He is stretching us not to put our security in our gifting, in what we do, who we know, or how well we do it. The Lord wants us to use what we’ve been given for the season assigned to us. Train others in the process by taking a risk in them, and someday put ourselves out of work by giving our works over to someone else to continue. That could be our children, our friends, our coworkers, or fellow brothers and sisters in Christ!!

Jesus gave the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) to His disciples who were still clueless as to who Jesus was and what He came to earth to do. Would you have trusted that group of disciples to carry your name and your mission on the earth?

Lord, help us in humility to consider others better than ourselves. Be willing to take risks with people. Help us trust them because we trust you. We want to be secure enough to pour into others’ lives, so they can mature and take their place, and possibly our place some day!! Give us the courage to be Kingdom minded!! Amen!

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