God’s Plan for Our Lives (Part III)

Much of the today’s church revolves around people’s individual purpose. This focus could be stemming from the notion that each person gets to make and develop their own personal relationship with Christ. However, as I shared in the first part of this devotional series, the book of Acts does not show disciples seeking their own personal destiny and purpose.

There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works all in all. But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all:….

But now indeed there are many members, yet one body. 1 Corinthians 12:4-7, 20

Paul likened the believers to a body. The body of Christ will be healthy when each part submits to Christ’s vision and follows the plan established by the head. If each part pursues its own purpose or dream, the body will not remain united. In addition, it is in danger of getting corrupted due to selfish ambitions.

The scriptures do not show that the Biblical characters were concerned about their purpose. David was chased by Saul for years, but his focus was not to ensure that he gets the crown. If his focus was his personal purpose, he could have killed Saul when the opportunity presented itself. Joseph had a dream about God using him as a leader. However, he did not complain when things didn’t turn out as he might have imagined neither did he get angry when his purpose was blocked. Daniel served three kings for over sixty years while in captivity, but he never spoke about his purpose.

Could it be that we have put spiritual clothing to our own dreams and ambitions and tried to call them our God-given purpose!? The Lord has invested gifts and abilities in each of us for His purpose. We are called to use them corporately to honor God, to strengthen the body of Christ, and to fulfill the Great Commission.

Is this a significant call for you? If it isn’t, it could cause much frustration and possibly division in your life. Can we offer ourselves to God and be secure and content that He is going to use us as a member of the body of Christ?


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