Itching Ears (Part I)

Some people do not want to hear anything that makes them comfortable, or it demands them to change their ways. As Americans, we think we have rights, and our rights give us the privilege to have all sorts of opinions.  When you read the Bible, we don’t see God taking an opinion poll or changing His message based on how people felt about it.  We may have many opinions that are important to us, but when we come to the feet of the cross, we need to lay them all down and be willing to hear what God has to say.

The danger with holding on to our opinion is four-fold. First of all, we begin to perceive our opinion to be truth. Secondly, we don’t want to hear anything that challenges our views. Thirdly, we feel judged by others who disagree with us. Fourthly, we reject the teachings that don’t line up with our opinion.

For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers;  2Timothy 4:3

This is a warning for all of us to hold on to sound doctrine. The “itching ears” means people who desire to only hear pleasant words. Have you noticed the number of churches who only provide pleasant words to people!? If things are so pleasant why is there so much darkness in the world ? If people do not need deliverance from demonic influence and oppression,then why are there so many broken and bound believers in the church? If God considers all the people on the earth His children, then was is the purpose of being adopted as His children? If we are good people, then why did Jesus have to die for our sins? 

The foundation of the gospel began with repentance, and God sent John the Baptist to prepare the way for Jesus. The Israelites must have been comfortable in their routine of animal sacrifices for the forgiveness of their sins. They didn’t bother to listen to the voice of their conscience rather they relied on their culture to measure their level of holiness. They had become so self-righteous, that Jesus looked like the sinner!  Many of them were angry with Jesus because He told them the truth and shook their little world!

How do you interact with the Bible? Do you only focus on the scriptures that you deem important or support your worldview? Does the Bible or your church ever make you uncomfortable with your spiritual life? Do you have a tendency to get offended with those who don’t agree with you? When was the last time that your eyes were opened to a new revelation from God? Is repentance part of your lifestyle?

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