A Benefit of Walking Uprightly

 “He is a shield to those who walk uprightly.” Proverbs 2:7b

One of the roles of parents is to protect their children from the day they are born. Children are vulnerable and are in need of their parents’ protection for many years. However, there comes a time when children grow up and in order for a parent to protect a child, more is required from the child. This is the time the children need to be picking the right friends and be sure not to get involved with shady ones. They are now responsible for not abusing their bodies with harmful activities or substances. They are expected not to cheat on their tests. They need to follow the driving rules when they are in the driving stage.  If the children do what’s right, any parent would willingly and gladly support and defend their child in case of trouble or misunderstanding.

Our heavenly father does the same for us. The above scripture shows us that when we are right with God and walk uprightly, the Lord obligates himself to be our protection and our defense. If anyone accuses us of wrongdoing, they are coming against God’s child. This is a serious business!

The Lord is our protector and our shield. Isn’t it amazing that the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings chooses to be our defense attorney!? The most powerful person in heaven and on earth is backing us up!! People of affluence spend millions of dollars to find the best attorney to present their case and to be their advocate. We have a God in heaven who is our advocate.

As the children of God, we have the privilege of calling upon our Abba Father for our defense. He will contend with those who contend with us. We don’t need to run. It’s not necessary to get discouraged or fearful. We don’t need to allow the enemy to beat us down. Just as Joseph continued to stay faithful to God and live uprightly, we are called to do the same thing regardless of circumstances knowing that He will fight our battles and will keep us from harm. If He is taking care of the lilies of the field so well, how much more will he take care of us!? Praise Him!


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