The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul; The testimony of the lord is sure, making wise the simple; The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes; The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever; The judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. Psalm 19:7-9
The law of the Lord constitutes His testimonies, statutes, and commandments. The law has many benefits to our lives. God’s law literally transforms our hearts, minds, and our will. We become a changed person as we learn God’s word and obey it. Some people struggle for years with certain issues, but they are not willing to go to the word of God for transformation. We can’t just look to the Bible for encouragement but not receive the rest of the benefits of the word of God. While being comforted and encouraged is important, but allowing our hearts and minds to change by God’s law is of paramount importance!
The Lord’s testimonies are certain. There are no ambiguities in God’s testimonies. They allow a simple and immature person to become wise. One doesn’t have to reinvent the wheel and learn by trial and error. He/she can do right the first time because they have followed God’s word.
His statutes are right, and what is right brings joy to our hearts. What is right settles the hearts and brings clarity to the mind. It removes the fog of confusion!
God’s commandments are pure. Because God is holy, His commands are pure. There is no ulterior motive for giving us His commandments except that they are good for us. They allow us to grow in health and strength in all areas of our lives.
The fear of the Lord is clean. There is no manipulation or evil in the fear of the Lord. The fear of the Lord is not oppressive but it is liberating from all other fears. To the level we respond to the fear of the Lord we remain protected from harm and foolishness.
Praise God for His judgments! His judgments have complete accuracy and fairness. God’s judgment is not arbitrary based on His feelings or His mood of the day. The Lord is not impulsive in judging, but He is very patient with us. The Lord is the best judge, and He has the best plumb line for truth and justice. When God judges, He does it righteously. There is no partiality, politics, or personal agenda. He judges based on principles that He has established which don’t change through eternity. Praise God!
As people of God, we need to be willing to give up our cultural values and our family upbringing in order to take on everything God has for us in His word. Many people embrace the Bible only to the degree that it doesn’t interfere with their old family values. We can only grow to the level that we are willing the Bible to be the final arbiter in all areas of life including our marriages, parenting, finances, work, friendships, enemies, etc.
Is reading the Bible part of your daily life? If reading the Bible is not a priority, how do you know if you are obeying Him?
Yes indeed these are true words.