Being Prepared (Part IV)

“Are you ready for Christmas?” If this was a question asked of you, how would you answer it? Would you think about all the Christmas gifts that you still have to purchase? Would you be thinking about the need to still send out Christmas cards to family and friends? Would shopping for food be on your “to do list”? The Truth is that most of us know the reason for the season, but all the preparation for Christmas celebration takes away our attention from what truly matters. 

He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child. While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no guest room available for them. Luke 2:5-7

There was no room for Jesus when He came to the world. The people were too preoccupied with their hustle and bustle to pay attention to the Messiah arriving at their neighborhood. He came to the world, and the world was too busy doing what the earthly king had demanded. They all had to go to their respective cities for taking part in the census ordered by Caesar Augustus from his empire.

The sad reality is that many Christians will celebrate Christmas without Christ because of all the cultural and family expectations. They will do all the preparations and buy gifts for family and friends. Santa will show up to cheer the children, but there will be no room for Jesus. He is not going to be discussed at the dinner tables, but politics and sports are going to be the highlights of the discussions.

Many people think they are prepared, but in time they find out that they really were not prepared as they should have been. What is the difference between the prepared wise individuals versus those who are inadequately prepared?

There is desirable treasure,
And oil in the dwelling of the wise,
But a foolish man squanders it. Proverbs 21:20

The wise people always take care of their spiritual life first. Their intimacy with the Lord gives them the oil of insight and illumination that prepares them at a moment’s notice for any need that arises. They are in tune with God and with people’s needs. They know when and how to step in to share some of their spiritual treasures with those who are in need. The foolish ones are selfish and have no understanding of God’s desires in any given situation. They are only focused on how they can be blessed and are not there to serve others or give of themselves.

As you prepare for Christmas, spend time with the Lord and give Him room to speak to you without any agenda on your part. Then pray for those that you will come into contact with in the next couple of weeks and ask the Lord to prepare you for those visits. Be mindful of the lonely ones around you and try to reach out to them. Be ready spiritually for the Lord using you in others’ lives and be open for how he will use others to minister to you.


2 thoughts on “Being Prepared (Part IV)”

  1. So mindful, remember humbly this season in our lives. Slowing down!! I am so grateful for another Christmas. Remembering why We celebrate!

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