God’s Conversation With a Prophet (Part II)
In the last devotional, I shared about God’s conversation with Jeremiah and him being commissioned as a prophet. The Lord declared that He assigned and ordained Jeremiah as a prophet before he was born. God touched Jeremiah’s mouth signifying His authority and anointing on Jeremiah’s words from now on. The Lord’s conversation with Jeremiah continues:
God affirms the prophet
Do not be afraid of their faces, For I am with you to deliver you,” says the Lord. Jeremiah 1:8
God expects his prophets to deliver the word that He has commanded them and not be afraid of man. The Lord reassured Jeremiah by promising to do two things:
First of all, God told him that when Jeremiah opens his mouth He will be with him. A prophet who is representing God is never alone! Sometimes, as a prophet, it may feel like one is sent before the lions to get devoured. However, the person who is representative of God and has His seal of approval, will not be left unprotected in the midst of the battle. Daniel obediently prayed to His God three times a day. When his prayers got him into the lions’ den, God was with Him and kept the mouth of the lions shut!
Secondly, God told Jeremiah that when he spoke, He was with him to deliver him. Praying for deliverance from bondages and demonic oppression is important. However, there are times that only in facing our fears we are delivered from them!
Whose face are you afraid of? What makes you afraid? Is it disapproval, anger, rejection, or indifference that you are afraid of? When God calls a prophet to represent Him on the earth, no one is off limits for delivering a message. God must deliver the prophet in order to deliver His message through the prophet accurately and powerfully!
God’s authority in a prophet’s life
9 Then the Lord put forth His hand and touched my mouth, and the Lord said to me:
“Behold, I have put My words in your mouth.
10 See, I have this day set you over the nations and over the kingdoms,..” Jeremiah 1:9-10a
In verse 10, God says that He is the one who has set the prophet over the nations and over the kingdoms. Because God ordains a prophet, He gives him/her authority to speak and to bring forth what He desires on the earth. What is beautiful about God’s ways is that while He anoints a man or a woman of God as a prophet, He doesn’t want them to be annoying or arrogant. A powerful prophet is still only a vessel in God’s hands.
Many may enjoy the mantle or the title of a prophet, but very few are willing to lay down their own opinions, preferences, and fears in order to be His mouthpiece on the earth.
Lord, help us to represent you well on the earth by being willing to go through the process. If we are gifted prophetically, we don’t want to just “wing” it. If we have been fearful, we don’t want to hold back anymore. If we have used our prophetic gifting as a permission to judge others, please forgive us. Deliver us from anything that is a hinderance to be truly your mouthpiece on the earth.
I will continue with this subject in the next devotional about the Lord’s assignment to Jeremiah!