A Distant God Becomes Abba Father

For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father.” Romans 8:15

A distant God becomes our Abba Father as we become partakers of His nature. We no longer need to be an orphan in a harsh and indifferent world, but we are accepted as beloved sons and daughters of the most high. Thank you Lord!

We now have the privilege of having a personal relationship with a holy God because of Jesus fulfilling the requirements of the law established by God in the Old Testament. We don’t have to fear of God with respect to judgment/punishment but only in honor and adoration!

God takes the step of adopting us. The adoption must take place by the parent initiating the adoption process because he is the one who has the power and authority to take on the responsibility of raising the child. The adoption cannot originate from the child because he/she is helpless to do anything to change his/her situation until a benevolent parent comes into the picture.

The Lord extended His hand and chose us to become His. It was a free gift that we couldn’t earn or gain by self-effort. We were helpless to reach God by doing good works. God offered the gift of salvation for whosoever believes in His son. We only have two options. We can either choose to accept the gift and become adopted into the family of God, or we can choose to reject it and continue to live life as orphans independent of God.

When we choose to accept Him, there is much in store for us as adopted children of God. He doesn’t leave us alone to figure out life on our own. He comes to fellowship with us and helps us to walk on this journey called life.

For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6

The Lord sent His son and gave Him all authority in heaven and on earth. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit work together as one person to bring the wonder of God to us. The Lord left us with the Holy Spirit, so we can have a counselor and a comforter in our times of pain and need. All true peace stems from Him. While the world around us maybe raging with strife, hatred, and uncertainty,  we are the benefactors of the His peace in our hearts when we stay in His presence.

If you have never met Jesus, I invite you to get to know Him. Some religions have a problem with Jesus being the Son of God, and they also have a problem with Him being an intermediary between God and us.

Here is a limited example that may help with this issue. I may think that I know the President of the United States because he’s waved at me a few times when I have been around His entourage. However, If I really want to know the President, I must meet the Chief of Staff and allow him to usher me into the White House, so I can meet the President face to face and have a conversation with Him. The Chief of Staff is completely trusted by the President, and we must trust the Chief of Staff if we want to meet the President.

Are you satisfied with your knowledge and level of intimacy with God? Would you like to get to know God as your Abba Father? I would encourage you not to allow anything to stop you from getting to know the Lord intimately. You may not understand everything about Jesus right away, and that’s ok. In time, He will show you more.

The first important step is to know that you are a sinner and there is nothing you can do to erase your past sins or change your nature to become better. Then trust God that He made a way for you to become healed and whole through the work of Jesus and accept it in faith. Let God begin to show Himself to you. Receive His love and acceptance. You will find a transformation taking place on the inside of you that you will not be able to deny or ever regret. That is called regeneration.

If you are ready to receive the Lord as your Abba Father and Jesus as your Savior, you can pray this prayer: God, I recognize that I am sinner because I have done wrong in my life. I have ignored your laws and commandments. At times, I have even hurt others by my actions and words. I desire to be cleaned up from my past and have a fresh start in my life. I am tired of living life as an orphan. I believe you are able to save me. I accept, Jesus’ work on the cross on my behalf, so I can be free from my past sins. I don’t understand everything about Jesus, but I trust you will show me in time. I want to belong to you. Please come into my life and change me and make me whole. I need your peace and your love in my life. Thank you for receiving me into your family. Amen!

Man’s Problem & God’s Solution

This devotional is a continuation of the concept of sin and how various faiths have dealt with the issue.

Therefore the law was our tutor to bring us to Christ, that we might be justified by faith. But after faith has come, we are no longer under a tutor. Galatians 3:24-25

Definition of Tutor: (In Greek according Strong’s concordance): “schoolmaster”: a guardian and guide of boys. Among the Greeks and the Romans the name was applied to trustworthy slaves who were charged with the duty of supervising the life and morals of boys belonging to the better class. The boys were not allowed so much as to step out of the house without them before arriving at the age of manhood.

The Jewish law was the schoolmaster to keep people in check. Unfortunately, man used the law to babysit each other’s righteousness. He also created additional rules to make sure no one gets away with sin because of loopholes in the law.  Jesus had to address this issue on numerous occasions with the Pharisees and Sadducees.

Since morality was based on the law, as long as people looked like they followed the law, they appeared to be in the right standing with God. However, the law increased the fear of man in people’s hearts and did not deal with man’s nature. This is the reason why religion is powerless to change humanity. At best, it is only a band-aid to a deep-seated problem of man’s unbelief and rebellion before a holy God.

If we are honest with ourselves, we all have doubted and rebelled against a holy God. We have failed to followed God’s rules in a consistent way and at times we have outright disobeyed Him. That makes us all sinners and guilty as charged. We can honestly admit that our nature continually desires to move independently of God and wants to do what feels right at the moment. The question is: What is the solution to our sinful nature?

God proved to man that the law wasn’t going to change their nature. That’s why He had a plan to send a Savior to the world which He spoke about in various prophesies in the Old Testament. What man could not do for himself, the Savior was going to accomplish by first forgiving man and then freeing him from his sinful state before a holy God.

God’s solution to sin came 2000 years ago. He chose to enter the scene of humanity formed as a baby to dwell among us. The Lord sent Jesus to the earth through a virgin to protect his sinless nature in order to accomplish the purpose of redeeming humanity from sin.

For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. Hebrews 4:15

Jesus was still a human being with a free will. He could have chosen to sin, but the scriptures tell us otherwise.

In the Old testament, God instituted a lamb without blemish to be sacrificed as a substitute for the sin of the people. Because Jesus remained sinless, He was the only qualified one to fulfill the Old Testament law of God that stated the punishment for sin is death. Jesus took the shame, the blame, and the chastisement of our sins upon himself. He became the bridge to this great chasm between God and us. He tore the veil, so we can get to know a holy God up close and personal! He breathed life into our spirit, so now we can commune with God in our spirit man.

And so it is written, “The first man Adam became a living being.” The last Adam became a life-giving spirit. 1 Corinthians 15:45

Jesus began a new line for humanity by becoming the last Adam. The first Adam sinned, and so all his descendants had the sinful nature in them. The last Adam remained sinless.

Those of us who put our faith in Him are a new creation. At the point of salvation, a new sinless nature is deposited in those of us who accept His work on the cross on our behalf! We now have the responsibility to nurture the new nature and allow it to take control of our lives and our actions. Lord, we Thank you for sending your son to bring us back into a right relationship with you! Amen!



The Concept of Sin In Various Faiths (Part II)

While there is no concept of sin in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam, the common theme is the need to do better, become enlightened, or beat desires into submission. This signifies the fact that there is inherently something inadequate in us, which requires a change or improvement.

Various faiths are trying to reach a better state either by doing good works, becoming enlightened, or by striving to get rid of all negativity.

I would like to state a few problems in the above approaches to God.

1. We cannot get enlightened about God unless God chooses to reveal Himself to us.

2. If we have a flawed nature, how can we look within ourselves to become enlightened or get to know God?

3. Getting rid of negativity is not just about cleaning up our behavior to be impressive to others, but it is about the condition of our heart and mind before a holy God!

4.  While God has a requirement for good works, good works don’t change our nature neither do they change our heart.  If someone is bent on doing wrong, they can do good works and then behind others’ back still do wrong. How much good works does one have to do to have assurance of paradise/heaven? When you do wrong, does it erase the good you’ve done?

5. How do you correct evil/wrong committed by someone? Is there restoration for that person? Do they have to perform more to be accepted?

History shows us that man tries to reach God and figure out God. People make statues to worship their god. Some believe there are special locations that God’s presence is there, and if you really want to reach certain height of spirituality you must visit this location. For some, one god hasn’t been powerful enough, so they have had various gods for different needs of man. Some chant various prayers in repetition or have different rituals to please God. Some cultures have had various sacrifices including baby sacrifices to please god. The truth is since God is holy and man’s nature is sinful, there is a great chasm between a holy God and a sinful man. Can man in his own self-effort or ingenuity close this huge gap? 

The Jewish faith believes in the concept of sin starting with Adam & Eve. God had rules for His people from onset. That’s why when Adam and Eve did not fulfill God’s expectations, they fell into sin. Since God is the creator, He can and will establish the rules of engagement just as all of us have rules/guidelines for our family. We expect our children to follow our rules and if they don’t, there are consequences associated with the trespass.

The Lord declared that the punishment for sin was death, and He warned Adam & Eve of it. When they disobeyed God, they died spiritually and as a result lost their relationship to a holy God.  The Lord instituted the Ten Commandments through Moses as clear requirements for His people. He also gave them the solution of a lamb being sacrificed in substitution for the sin of man. This would allow the judgement of God to passover people for the lamb would be killed instead!

God showed through His law that man’s sinful nature is a death sentence that cannot be wiped away by the sacrificial blood of a lamb and neither does following the rules change the man’s nature. That was a temporary solution to a permanent 24/7 problem, which was the problem of sin!

In the midst of all of this, there were over 300 prophesies made at different times by various people that God was going to send a Savior . The Savior was going to be beaten, scourged, and bruised. His sacrifice would heal man of his sin!

But He was wounded for our transgressions, 

He was bruised for our iniquities;

The chastisement for our peace was upon Him,
And by His stripes we are healed.

 All we like sheep have gone astray;
We have turned, every one, to his own way;
And the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all. Isaiah 53:5-6

The above prophecy along with many other prophesies in the book of Isaiah about the coming Savior were spoken somewhere around 740-720 B.C.. It was as if God was saying what you have right now is a temporary fix to a permanent solution in store for my people. God was going to reach man and close the huge gap between Him and people. The permanent solution was on its way to mark the history of humanity! Hallelujah!






The Concept of Sin in Various Faiths (Part I)

How has humanity through various religions tried to deal with the sin issue?

About 80% of religions around the world are represented by Christianity, Islam, Hindus, Buddhist, and the Jewish faith, however, sin is not a commonly known term in some of these religions.

The Eastern religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism don’t have a sin discussion. In Hinduism there are many gods that can be worshipped.The gods don’t have the attribute of holiness; hence sin is not an issue. They believe in karma which is the law of cause of effect (what you do will be repaid in good or bad). Hindus believe in reincarnation. They believe that there is a continual progress towards something. You should try to do better and be reincarnated at a higher level than before. There is no concept of heaven or hell just continual progress to become better from one life to another.

The Buddhists focus on self-effort. They must rid themselves of anything that causes aggression or negativity in them. God’s existence is not relevant. Buddha is revered by some to be a good teacher and by other sects to be their savior (the one who was truly enlightened). Both religions don’t know a God who has a personal interest in their lives.

Hindus and Buddhists both use meditation in order to rid their minds of clutter and anything else that is harmful to their path and to come to greater enlightenment. The religions are more philosophical in nature by encouraging/inspiring people to do better by looking within.

The god of Islam is an impersonal god but he has many defined laws/requirements. Those not following the rules can have grave consequences. Islam is a religion, which has a strong political and governmental element to it. In order to truly establish Islam, the government must be a theocracy, so the rules can be enforced not only at home but also in schools, in business places, and through the government. This will allow the people to be held accountable in every sector of society.

The concept of free will does not exist when it comes to choosing your faith. Those who are born a Muslim are expected to stay a Muslim or else they have committed a religious crime! While the desires of God are much more defined in Islam, he is still a distant God and man tries to please him by great self-effort and striving to follow all the rules.

The Eastern Religions were in existence prior to  Christian beliefs, so they don’t necessarily refute Christianity or support it except for their own beliefs of who God is or is not. On the other hand, Islam came into the picture 600 years after Christ’s coming. Islam does not hold to the concept of sin. Those born in a Muslim family are of the seed of Ishmael (Abraham’s son) who are believed to be God’s special people. Muslims are responsible to see to it that they are following the requirements of the law to ensure they have a place in paradise. However, the only true guarantee of paradise is if individuals are martyred for their faith especially in a Jihad (holy war)!

Islam believes in Mary who conceived as a virgin and brought forth Jesus. It believes Jesus was a good prophet and a teacher. However, Islam believes that God sent a substitute to die in place of Jesus. This undermines the entire Christian faith which is established on the finished work of Jesus Christ on the cross.

The above faiths bring up the following questions for me:

Do you have to follow the rules perfectly to make it to heaven? If you fail to follow the rules perfectly, does God grade by curve? What are the rules to get reincarnated to a higher level? If there is no defined God, who defines the rules for reincarnation?

I will continue with this subject in the next devotional.

God’s Desire In Creating Humanity

The scripture tells us God started the line of humanity by creating Adam & Eve (See Genesis 1-3). They were not just creatures like all other species that God had created. Adam & Eve were created in His image. That means what we see in ourselves is a reflection of a God who made us.

Our desire for intimacy and relationships is a reflection of a God who passionately wants to have a relationship and intimacy with us. We desire to be loved and respected. God commands us to love and honor Him. We like to have ownership and authority in our spheres of influence; God reveals His authority and ownership in our lives and those around us.  God’s revelation of Himself is magnificent in different seasons of our lives. If you are a parent, we are faced with the unescapable fact that all our  dreams and desires for our children are a reflection of God’s purpose and desires for us and for our children!

God placed Adam & Eve in a beautiful garden full of abundance. Adam & Eve walked with God, and there was no ambiguity in hearing God or understanding His desires. He gave them the charge to be fruitful and multiply. He gave them permission to enjoy everything in the garden but not to eat of the fruit of the tree of good and evil. Satan deceived them, and the one thing God asked Adam & Eve not to do, they chose to do it. Adam & Eve distrusted God by taking matters in their own hands. This resulted in sin entering the world.

Adam & Eve’s innocent nature became infected with the deadly disease of sin which separated them from their loving/respectful relationship to a holy God. This caused fear and insecurity in their hearts that they didn’t have prior to sin. They feared God’s punishment, so they tried to avoid punishment by hiding from God. When they got caught in sin, Adam blamed God, and Eve blamed the serpent for her sin. In the process, they lost the intimacy they had with God, and it damaged the trust and unity Adam and Eve had between each other.

The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time. The Lord regretted that he had made human beings on the earth, and his heart was deeply troubled. So the Lord said, “I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race I have created—and with them the animals, the birds and the creatures that move along the ground—for I regret that I have made them.” But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord. Genesis 6: 5-8

Over time, man’s wickedness grew so much that God chose to use Noah to start all over again. Noah and his family were the only ones saved from the flood by entering the Ark. God still desired a loving and holy relationship with His humanity. As a result, He called Abraham and made a covenant relationship with him and his descendants. Later on, He gave the Ten Commandments to Moses in order to teach His laws and boundaries to humanity. However, the entire Old Testament describes a pattern of repentance, short-term obedience, and compromise which eventually led to more rebellion towards God.

How has humanity tried to solve the problem of sin and what is the solution to this problem? I will share about this in the next devotionals.


The Invisible God

I watched a documentary called “Expelled” about a month ago. Richard Dawkins who is an atheist was asked the question (paraphrased) “What if you die and find out there is a God. What if He asks you what have you been doing with everything I gave you and the millions of dollars you made out of writing your book? What are you going to say to God?”.

Richard Dawkins quoted Bert Russell by saying: “Sir, why did you take such pains to hide yourself!?”.

The response made me sad because that’s not true. God doesn’t want to hide but desires to reveal Himself to us. There are many including myself who will testify to a powerful and loving God touching our lives and revealing himself to us.

For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. Romans 1:20

The scripture tells us about God’s desire to reveal himself to humanity.  God’s creation speaks of His awesome power and amazing creativity. Adam & Eve were created by God and in His image. God walked with them in the cool of the day because He created them for a relationship with Him.Those who are true believers have their own personal testimony of how God took great pains to show Himself to them and pull them out of darkness, despair, and bondage. We have millions of men and women throughout centuries who have seen the hand of God in their lives, families, communities, and nations.

Unfortunately, science dabbles with understanding God on its own terms. It has to have tangible and repeatable proofs before something is considered  to be true scientifically. Our big and amazing God will not fit in their box and neither does He intend to. As a result, an atheist can believe that God has gone to great lengths to hide himself while the Bible tells us that the entire creation speaks of the glory of God and His handiwork!

In the same documentary, they discussed Darwin’s theory of evolution which he wrote in 1959. One scientist was asked to compare Darwin’s understanding of cell structure during that time to our current understanding of cellular structure. The scientist told the reporter that if Darwin’s understanding was as complex as a Buick, then our current understanding of molecular and cellular structure is as complex as a galaxy. What if Darwin lived in this era? Would he have made the claims he made about evolution if he had the current knowledge of human body?

But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. 2 Peter 3:8

Science has and will continue to discover more and more about creation, galaxies, and the human body. Just because we don’t know something today scientifically it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist. It may just be that we haven’t discovered it yet. Maybe someday science will have to admit based on all the evidence of  intelligent and intentional design that there must be a designer! The good news is that we don’t have to wait for that “someday”. With faith we can believe in a God who is invisible, and we can actually surpass one thousand years of scientific discovery by allowing God to reveal himself to us in one day! 


Good Friendships

In the last devotional, I shared about evaluating our friendships based on scripture to ensure that they do not become toxic to us or those around us. In this devotional, I am going to share the characteristics of good friendships that can fulfill God’s purpose in our lives.

Be a good friend

A man who has friends must himself be friendly, But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. Proverbs 18:24

Sometimes people pray for years for good friends, but they seem to struggle finding one. They have a good idea as to what they would like to see in a friend, but somehow it doesn’t translate into reality. If people evaluated themselves based on the criteria they set for others, they would be in a better position to find and/or attract the right kind of friend!

If we are looking for a giving and available friend, then we need to be giving and available. If we value reliability and consistency in a friend, then we can’t be flaky with others. If we desire to have a trustworthy friend, then we need to be trustworthy by being honest and forthright.

Purity of heart

He who loves purity of heart And has grace on his lips, The king will be his friend. Proverbs 22:11

A King will have to be choosy in picking his friends for there will be many drawn to him for wrong reasons. The type of friends a king chooses for himself will have some important and valuable qualities that we can learn from.

A king appreciates someone who loves a pure heart because that kind of person chooses not to have ulterior motives. A person with a pure heart is determined not to manipulate the king because of his/her proximity to the king!

The scripture in Matthew 5:8 states,

“Blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God.”

A person with a pure heart has an intimacy with the Lord that others don’t have. These individuals are more focused on pleasing God than pleasing men; this would include not flattering the king. What you see is what you get with the pure in heart; there is no duplicity in them. Additionally, people with pure heart can see and hear the Lord clearly, and they are not afraid of being the bearer of unpopular news. As a result, they are trustworthy because they are not politicking for king’s favor!

Grace on the lips

People who are pure in heart don’t busy themselves with talking badly about others for they are gracious with their words. You don’t sense bitterness or criticism in their conversations. They are hopeful people.

My Grandmother was a woman who had grace on her lips. If we were upset with someone, she would never marginalize our feelings, but she would not nurture our offenses either. She always hoped and believed the best in people, and as a result her words about others were gracious.

Gracious words are important to anyone and especially to a king who carries a great burden and responsibility for the well-being of others. A good and courageous king wants to know the truth at all times. However, it is more palatable to hear it from someone who can handle bad situations with great grace. A friend who uses soft words to calm a tough circumstance is very valuable. Gracious words maintain the respect and honor of the king in times when he may be pressed from different directions.

A person who has a pure heart and gracious lips has integrity in delivering truth in such a way that it is not offensive but effective in benefitting the king as well as the kingdom. That’s the kind of friend that anyone would love to have in life!

Praise God for good friendships that become a conduit for a worthwhile change and maturity in our lives!


Evaluating Friendships

Friendships are a great blessing from the Lord.  To have people who love and care about us is a great privilege. When friendships are healthy and Godly, they are life-giving and edifying, but when friendships become fleshly and carnal, they can wreak havoc in people’s lives.

The challenge with any relationship is that it is ever changing, and as a result we need to discern the quality of the relationship. Some friendships can start very well and go on for years healthy and strong but due to circumstances or change of heart turn toxic and ungodly. On the other hand, a friendship can begin rocky, but over time when each person is willing to take responsibility for his or her own actions, the friendship can become stronger and richer.

The scripture has great wisdom to share with us in the area of friendships. It gives us insight into healthy friendships versus unhealthy friendships. In this devotional, I will share some of the elements that make a friendship unhealthy.

A perverse man sows strife, And a whisperer separates the best of friends. Proverbs 16: 28

Spiritual Commentators

When we are in a friendship that each person finds the freedom to talk with no restraint and share anything about anyone, that’s a carnal and toxic relationship. These kinds of relationships have no problem being their own self-appointed spiritual or life analysts where each person feels the freedom to share their commentary about other people’s affairs. Individuals can be very comfortable to step outside of their boundaries into someone else’s. This is dangerous and ungodly, and it will cause division!


The scripture has something to say about whispering in each other’s ears. Whispering in each others’ ears has to do with keeping something private or secret. If the majority of what we share with our friends is in the form of whispering, then the relationship has become perverse, and we have allowed inappropriate conversations to rule our friendships.


One of the tricks of the enemy is that he brings a person into our life who acts like he/she cares about us by reporting everything they see or hear in order to protect us from the bad guys. In reality they just want to be the only ones staying close to us by putting doubt in our hearts towards others. We have to discern those spirits and not give them room to make us paranoid about people or think that we need someone to protect us from harm.

The Lord is our protector, and we don’t have to rely on man to do that for us. Jesus wasn’t worried about Judas, and He even chose to call Him friend. He wasn’t looking for armor-bearers naturally or spiritually. Peter tried to protect Him by cutting off the solider’s ear who was trying to arrest Jesus. However, Jesus rebuked Peter for doing that. God’s people should be discerning but not paranoid because that will attract a certain kinds of friends around us.

If we have a need to protect others, we should ask the following questions, “Besides loving this person, what is my true motive in protecting them?”, and “What’s in it for me?”.  There may be times that the Lord is going to ask us to do it for a specific purpose. However, it will be His leading not our compulsion to jump on the opportunity to address an issue!

Pattern in relationships

It is wisdom to watch our friends in how they relate to others. Some individuals have  a pattern of having issues with variety of people. Most of the time they blame others for people’s immaturity, jealousy, and so on. We should watch out for these kinds of friends. We can’t just protect friends or agree with them because they treat us well. It’s best to stay objective enough to help them see their issues. Otherwise we haven’t been a good friend to them, and they will eventually treat us like they have treated all the other people.

These are important principles that we can put to work in our lives and teach them to our children, so they can be wise in forming their relationships with others.

In the next devotional, I will share the characteristics that makes healthy friendships.



Give Thanks…

As we are moving into holiday season and are getting ready to celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas, it brings us to a time of evaluation. We look back at the past year and remind ourselves at the weeks and months that have transpired.

Some of us have new jobs, new homes, a brand new baby, or moved into a new neighborhood. Others have developed new relationships, have settled into a new church, or they are exploring new areas of education and training. Some have experienced frustrations, setbacks, disappointments, or confusion in one or more areas of their lives. The past year could have been a difficult year for those who lost a loved one. Life is a package of ups and downs!

I am reminded of Paul’s words penned while he was in midst of life’s challenges:

Actually, I don’t have a sense of needing anything personally. I’ve learned by now to be quite content whatever my circumstances. I’m just as happy with little as with much, with much as with little. I’ve found the recipe for being happy whether full or hungry, hands full or hands empty. Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am. Philippians 4:11-13 (MSG)

in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Regardless of our circumstances, God is still in control and He holds our life and our future. When we have plenty, we praise him. When we are need, we still praise Him. When we are making progress, we praise Him, and when we have a setback, we praise Him. When things go our way, we praise Him. When things don’t go our way, we still praise Him. In everything we give thanks because He is worthy to be praised. Nothing catches Him by surprise; He is true, faithful, and unchanging. He is the one we can truly rely on 100% of the time, and He will not let us down.

We desire to know His will in every situation, but we always know that in every situation it is His will for us to thank Him. We praise Him because we know in every situation we have an opportunity to know Him better, and we also have the opportunity to become more like Jesus!

Life can be hard at times, but we know that there is a higher purpose than what we see with our natural eyes. We praise God for his grace that gives us the ability to overcome every obstacle including overcoming ourselves which most of the time is the biggest obstacle!

Today take the time to praise Him regardless of your circumstances and allow God to take His rightful place in your heart and in your life!


Handling the Bible Properly (Part III)

What do we do when the leaders’ lives don’t match what they claim?

The first challenge is that the majority of people would not address an issue in a leader’s life because they don’t want to be dishonoring to the individual. The second challenge is that people in a leader’s circle are either too close to see everything objectively, or they don’t want to lose their personal privileges. Sometimes it looks as if the system has a gridlock!

God holds His leaders accountable

The good news is that God is still on the throne and He has a plan. First and foremost the scripture tells us that leaders will give an account to the Lord for their leadership (See Hebrews 13:17).

The laws of sowing and reaping are always in operation

Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.  For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life. Galatians 6:7-8

If a person sows in the flesh, over time he/she will see the fruit of the flesh. On the other hand, those who sow in the spirit will reap good fruit.

God is not pleased by those who offend the younger in faith

Then He said to the disciples, “It is impossible that no offenses should come, but woe to him through whom they do come!  It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.  Luke 17:1-2

The Lord entrusts His sheep with His leaders, and He expects them to treat the flock right and take care of them properly. A leader can never get away from being accountable to God!

In the natural, if we drive fast or run a traffic light, we may or may not get caught by a policeman. If we don’t see any sirens behind us, we’ll have a sigh of relief that we have gotten away with that trespass. In the spiritual realm it is actually the opposite. If there is a trespass, 9 out 10 times, we will not get punished right away, but it doesn’t mean that God ignored the issue. God gently brings people and situations into our lives to help us get it right and repent from our wicked ways. God gives us time to change. However, at some point, if we continue to mishandle our position or God’s people, the ax will come down, and it will surprise some!! No one can mess around with God’s business and think that they can get away with it!

Our part is to pray

In addition to trusting God and honoring the leaders, we need to pray hard!

The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16b (NIV)

Praise God that prayer is our position of power. God hears the cries and prayers of a righteous person!

Our first prayer should be along the following line: “Lord if this is my preference or my issue, please reveal it to me and change my heart about it.”

The second prayer should be along the line of: “Lord, if this is your burden on my heart, I will continue to pray and ask you to change hearts, breakdown strongholds, and open eyes. Bring about the change and restoration in this person’s life and in the church atmosphere. Your kingdom come and your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”

If this is really God’s burden for the body, there is much at stake. It is not just the leader’s life, but it is also all the other people who are watching, learning, and impacted by the person.

Lord, we need your provision of patience, wisdom, and grace today to handle these tough situations the right way! In Jesus’ mighty name we ask. Amen!