A Distant God Becomes Abba Father
For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father.” Romans 8:15
A distant God becomes our Abba Father as we become partakers of His nature. We no longer need to be an orphan in a harsh and indifferent world, but we are accepted as beloved sons and daughters of the most high. Thank you Lord!
We now have the privilege of having a personal relationship with a holy God because of Jesus fulfilling the requirements of the law established by God in the Old Testament. We don’t have to fear of God with respect to judgment/punishment but only in honor and adoration!
God takes the step of adopting us. The adoption must take place by the parent initiating the adoption process because he is the one who has the power and authority to take on the responsibility of raising the child. The adoption cannot originate from the child because he/she is helpless to do anything to change his/her situation until a benevolent parent comes into the picture.
The Lord extended His hand and chose us to become His. It was a free gift that we couldn’t earn or gain by self-effort. We were helpless to reach God by doing good works. God offered the gift of salvation for whosoever believes in His son. We only have two options. We can either choose to accept the gift and become adopted into the family of God, or we can choose to reject it and continue to live life as orphans independent of God.
When we choose to accept Him, there is much in store for us as adopted children of God. He doesn’t leave us alone to figure out life on our own. He comes to fellowship with us and helps us to walk on this journey called life.
For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6
The Lord sent His son and gave Him all authority in heaven and on earth. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit work together as one person to bring the wonder of God to us. The Lord left us with the Holy Spirit, so we can have a counselor and a comforter in our times of pain and need. All true peace stems from Him. While the world around us maybe raging with strife, hatred, and uncertainty, we are the benefactors of the His peace in our hearts when we stay in His presence.
If you have never met Jesus, I invite you to get to know Him. Some religions have a problem with Jesus being the Son of God, and they also have a problem with Him being an intermediary between God and us.
Here is a limited example that may help with this issue. I may think that I know the President of the United States because he’s waved at me a few times when I have been around His entourage. However, If I really want to know the President, I must meet the Chief of Staff and allow him to usher me into the White House, so I can meet the President face to face and have a conversation with Him. The Chief of Staff is completely trusted by the President, and we must trust the Chief of Staff if we want to meet the President.
Are you satisfied with your knowledge and level of intimacy with God? Would you like to get to know God as your Abba Father? I would encourage you not to allow anything to stop you from getting to know the Lord intimately. You may not understand everything about Jesus right away, and that’s ok. In time, He will show you more.
The first important step is to know that you are a sinner and there is nothing you can do to erase your past sins or change your nature to become better. Then trust God that He made a way for you to become healed and whole through the work of Jesus and accept it in faith. Let God begin to show Himself to you. Receive His love and acceptance. You will find a transformation taking place on the inside of you that you will not be able to deny or ever regret. That is called regeneration.
If you are ready to receive the Lord as your Abba Father and Jesus as your Savior, you can pray this prayer: God, I recognize that I am sinner because I have done wrong in my life. I have ignored your laws and commandments. At times, I have even hurt others by my actions and words. I desire to be cleaned up from my past and have a fresh start in my life. I am tired of living life as an orphan. I believe you are able to save me. I accept, Jesus’ work on the cross on my behalf, so I can be free from my past sins. I don’t understand everything about Jesus, but I trust you will show me in time. I want to belong to you. Please come into my life and change me and make me whole. I need your peace and your love in my life. Thank you for receiving me into your family. Amen!