The Power of Agreement (Part II)

God has given us the power to agree with one another. It is His desire for us to join His work and cooperate with others to accomplish His tasks on the earth. However, not every agreement is a good agreement neither does it fulfill God’s desire. A good agreement is one that is based on truth and the character of individuals. 

Definition of “agreed” (G3982) according to Strong’s Concordance is: to persuade, i.e. to induce one by words to believe, to make friends of, to win one’s favor, gain one’s good will, or to seek to win one, strive to please one, to tranquilize, to believe: to have faith: in a thing to believe, to listen to, obey, yield to, comply with to trust, have confidence.

Based on the above definition, it is clear that we can come into agreement with someone based on having confidence in them. We can yield to one another based on truth which is a good agreement.

Nehemiah brought together a group of weary and distressed people to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. This man was a trustworthy man who had no self-interest. His desire was to help his fellow citizens to rebuild their city and to rebuild their lives. 

So they said, “Let us rise up and build.” Then they set their hands to this good work. Nehemiah 2:18b

Rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem was a good work which was directed through prayer and fasting. Nehemiah asked each family to rebuild a portion of the wall by working shoulder to shoulder to complete the entire wall around Jerusalem. While Nehemiah’s work had adversaries, he continued to stay on task and not be shaken by the enemies. They finished this project  in a short period of time despite opposition because God was with them; the Lord continued to give them strength and wisdom on how to accomplish the task. A good, Godly agreement produced life and good fruit.

Jesus called his disciples to come together who had varied personalities and issues. However, after walking with Jesus for over three years, they took on God’s vision instead of their own ideas and agendas. They became more united in purpose because they came under the agreement of Jesus and what He had been teaching them for three years.Through the unity and agreement with Jesus and the Holy Spirit  the disciples together changed history and the world forever. This was a life-giving agreement that continues to produce eternal fruit in those who believe it.

The power of agreement is unquestionable, and that’s why we have to be cautious about our agreement with other people. Our focus and desire should be to bring glory to God and allow God to produce good fruit through the agreement.

Some of the points to consider before we come into agreement with others:

-How well do we know the person’s character?

-Do they have a personal problem/issue that motivates them to take a certain position?

-Are our discussions/conversations with them full of back-biting, speculations, and gossip rather than being honorable, loving, & kind towards others?

-Do we have our own issues of hurt and insecurity that motivates us to be in agreement with those who identify with our pain?

-Do we have fear of losing a relationship if we don’t agree with a person or a group of people?

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The Power of Agreement (Part I)

We live in a world with much turmoil, disagreement, and division. When we find a person or a group of people with similar views as ours, it is a breath of fresh air to us. Agreement allows us not to feel alone in the midst of all the voices, and it helps us feel stronger and more powerful than if we were alone standing on our convictions.

The Lord desires for His people to be in unity and agree with one another. However, not every agreement is a good agreement. If the agreement is not based on truth, but it is founded on a personality or agenda, it can cause more harm than good.

And they agreed with him, and when they had called for the apostles and beaten them, they commanded that they should not speak in the name of Jesus, and let them go. Acts 5:40

Agreed (G3982) to persuade, i.e. to induce one by words to believe, to make friends of, to win one’s favor, gain one’s good will, or to seek to win one, strive to please one, to tranquilizeto believe: to have faith: in a thing to believe, to be persuaded of a thing concerning a person to listen to, obey, yield to, comply withto trust, have confidence.

The above definition points out that we can agree with someone to gain one’s favor, to try make friends with, or to tranquilize them. Those would be wrong reasons to come into agreement with someone. This is based on the person looking for a personal benefit from the agreement, and it is man appeasing.

Sometimes people gather together to agree based on their dissatisfaction about a situation; sadly, this can lead to unnecessary problems or revolt. Individuals may have never had anything in common before but now working against someone or something has brought them together. Those kinds of agreements can be dangerous because you can be more concerned about the issue at hand than the character and motive of the person that you come into agreement with.

Jesus was opposed by different groups such as Pharisees and Herodians who did not have anything in common with each other except that they were all Jewish. These groups were known to have been in enmity with each other based on their spiritual and political stance on issues, but when they perceived Jesus to be a threat to them, they joined forces in order to remove Him. Their common ground was opposing Jesus. Their agreement was a wrong agreement based on carnality, and it produced death in their lives. Just because they had a group of people agreeing with them, it didn’t mean they were right. Truth does not require consensus. It can stand alone.

Are you in agreement with others due to disliking someone or some situation? Are there people who are trying to get your agreement based on their own issues or insecurities?

Pray and ask the Lord to give you clarify regarding your agreements with others and ensure that they are producing life and not a fleshly satisfaction.


Jacob, A Man Touched By God

On his trip to meet Esau, Jacob wrestled with God one night.  He would not let go until God blessed him. God did bless him, but he also touched the socket of his hip and it came out of joint. This time Jacob was finally convinced God was with him and that he will bless him. He even had proof because from that point on he had a limp on his hip.

And He said, “Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel; for you have struggled with God and with men, and have prevailed.”

Then Jacob asked, saying, “Tell me Your name, I pray.”

And He said, “Why is it that you ask about My name?” And He blessed him there.

So Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: “For I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.” Genesis 32:28-30

Some of us like Jacob are hardheaded, and we need many proofs. It takes several encounters with God before we are convinced that He is with us, and that He can handle everything without our help. Jacob was a changed man because this time God’s touch was so tangible that he wasn’t going to forget it anymore. The Lord also changed Jacob’s name. He wasn’t going to be known by his past as a deceiver anymore, but he was going to be identified by his future, the nation of Israel coming out of his descendants!

Praise God that when we submit our lives to Jesus, He speaks words of life to us; He declares truth our future. The Lord calls us by what we are becoming not what we used to be in the past.

Years later, Jacob’s own sons deceived him about Joseph and his disappearance. Is it possible that Jacob reaped deception and supplanting by his sons because he sowed those seeds in his relationship with his brother years prior?  Sometimes, we like to think that when we repent God takes away all our sins and their consequences. The Lord does remove our sins, but He doesn’t necessarily take away the consequences of our sins. That’s why it’s important not to play with sin because the consequences can go on for years or generations. Praise God that he gave Jacob the opportunity to finally discover the truth about Joseph and be reunited with him before he died.God was faithful to Jacob and fulfilled His promises in his life.  Praise God for His goodness and mercy!

Have you been resistant to change in an area of your life despite all His reassurances? What will it take for you to believe the Lord in that particular area? What is the price your willing to pay for doing it your own way? Do you believe God concerning your future? Are you cooperating with the Lord through obedience or are you trying to help Him through your own ingenuity?

Lord, help us to see the error of our ways quickly and turn to you humbly and willingly.

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Jacob, a Changed Man

The roles have reversed for Jacob. The deceiver is now the recipient of his uncle’s deception. Jacob made an agreement with Laban to work for seven years to marry his younger daughter Rachel. Instead his uncle tricked him by sending Leah his older daughter in place of Rachel. He then had to work for seven more years to finally marry Rachel. The deceiver became deceived!

Sometimes people think that they can get away with their deceit, but no one can escape from the hands of the Lord because he cannot be mocked. He sees all things, and He allows unexpected circumstances and people to come into our lives to help us see ourselves in the mirror. Praise God for those opportunities! While it maybe difficult to face the facts, they are great teaching tools in helping us change what is not pleasing to Him.

Then the angel of God spoke to Jacob in a dream and told him, “I have seen all that Laban is doing to you (Genesis 31:12b). This time, God saw Jacob as the victim and Laban as the deceiver, so He allowed Jacob to be blessed by the better and stronger livestock. Jacob is maturing; he is cooperating with God’s plan, and God blessed him by allowing him to become rich.

I am the God of Bethel, where you anointed the pillar and where you made a vow to Me. Now arise, get out of this land, and return to the land of your family.’ Genesis 31:13

Jacob finally learned his lessons, so God told him it’s time to go back to his family and restore relationships. Jacob agreed to go; he was willing to mend relationships with his brother and even give him good gifts as a small restitution for what he had taken from Esau.

Deception never pays; it is not a short cut to a destination! Ultimately what one has to pay for the deception is much more costly than if the person had done it right from the onset.

Is there tangible evidence of change and growth in your life that those closest to you can notice? Do you handle situations differently than before?

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Jacob, the Supplanter

Genesis 27 describes the account of Isaac desiring to bless his eldest son Esau. Rebekah hears about it, and tells her son Jacob to run out and hunt for game. She tells him to act like he is Esau, so he can get the blessing. By deceiving Isaac, Jacob can get the blessings that belong to his brother. Rebekah planned the deception and Jacob went along with it by following his mother’s instructions and deceiving his father.

And Esau said, “Is he not rightly named Jacob? For he has supplanted me these two times. He took away my birthright, and now look, he has taken away my blessing!” Genesis 27:36

The word supplanter from Strong’s dictionary means: to be behind, to come from behind, to circumvent, to hold back, and to defraud. 

Defraud (according to Webster’s dictionary): to deprive of something by deception or fraud.

Jacob deceived Isaac and defrauded Esau to receive his father’s blessings.

A deceiver is one who acts like a different person in order to get close to someone or reach his/her goals. Lies, Manipulation, & deceit are seeds that produce the fruit of distrust, & division. Their effects may not be visible right away, and it even may look like the deceiver has gotten away with it. However, deceit eventually leads to broken relationships.

God’s promises cannot be the impetus for striving or manipulation. God has a process that at times may seem unfair, uncertain, or unending, but it has a good purpose if we respond to it in a Godly way. Jacob didn’t need to Supplant Esau if he trusted God and allowed him to fulfill His promise in His way and in His time. This could have also saved him years of running away from his brother.

Everything in our circumstances gives us the opportunity to get to know who God is and what he means to us. It is really never about the destination but it is about us trusting God and allowing Him to shape us in time of discouragement and uncertainty.

We all desire to get to know God better, but most of us don’t like to go through undesirable circumstances. God uses the tough times to show us something about himself that we didn’t know or hadn’t experienced before.

What situations in your life make you feel restless and driven? Do you feel forgotten? Have you tried to make things happen? Is there deceit in any area of your life? Have your relationships been affected because of your striving and being competitive?

Reaffirm your trust in the Lord. His arms are wide open to hold you and help you  settle down and find rest. This could be very difficult, but you may have to surrender your competitiveness in order to allow God to have His way in your life and in your relationships!

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Jacob, an Opportunist

And the Lord said to her:

“Two nations are in your womb,?Two peoples shall be separated from your body;?One people shall be stronger than the other,?And the older shall serve the younger.” So when her days were fulfilled for her to give birth, indeed there were twins in her womb.  And the first came out red. He was like a hairy garment all over; so they called his name Esau. Afterward his brother came out, and his hand took hold of Esau’s heel; so his name was called Jacob. Isaac was sixty years old when she bore them. So the boys grew. And Esau was a skillful hunter, a man of the field; but Jacob was a mild man, dwelling in tents. Genesis 25:23-27

God specifically told Rebekah that she will bear two sons, and the older (Esau) shall serve the younger one (Jacob).  God had already chosen Jacob to take the lead in his family.

In the time of delivery, Jacob grabbed the heel of his brother in his mother’s womb as he was being born. His personality as a grabber was already coming through. A grabber is one who tries to push others aside to take their place or steal the attention. As we see through the scriptures, Jacob had a competitive nature that made him driven and impatient with God’s plan for his life, and that became more evident as he grew older.

But Jacob said, “Sell me your birthright as of this day.” Genesis 25:31

Esau came home famished one day,  and Jacob took advantage of the opportunity by making an agreement with him to sell his birthright. This was the first time that Jacob took the matters in his own hands and tried to get something that God would have eventually given him had he been patient. The fact that Esau didn’t value his birthright allowed Jacob to get away with his action and snatch the birthright without a fight or an argument!

Jacob was a shrewd man who knew how to seize the moment and ensure his interests were served in a particular situation, but just with most opportunists one victory made him more bold in his future endeavors!

When is the line crossed from being diligent to being an opportunist?

If we try to take something that rightfully belongs to another we have crossed the line. If we are only working harder, so we can outshine others, then we are in a competitive mode. That’s when we are not working as unto the Lord but as unto man because we want to take the first/best place. Sometimes we make the excuse that we are smarter, more capable, and more diligent than someone else, but none of those reasons justify taking something that doesn’t belong to us.  Stealing someone’s reputation or creating doubt about the person in other people’s hearts is just as bad as stealing something from them.

The Lord has his way of fulfilling his promises that will make us be at awe of Him! On the other hand, if we try to make them happen in our own efforts, we can open the door to the demonic realm and create much evil in the atmosphere!

I will continue with this subject in the next devotional.

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Walking in Faith & Wisdom

Sometimes it seems as if faith and wisdom belong to two different groups of people. They appear to be mutually exclusive of each other but they are not. In order to operate in faith we need wisdom and for us to operate in Godly wisdom, faith is required. To be truly effective in the Kingdom of God, one needs both wisdom and faith to navigate through life successfully.

Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show by good conduct that his works are done in the meekness of wisdom. James 3:13

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1

One of the meanings of the word wisdom is “Skill”. God has given us many gifts and abilities, and we have a responsibility to use those gifts with skill. Faith allows us to go beyond what is seen with natural eyes and allows us to set our eyes in the sprit realm. Faith gives us the courage to believe the impossible!

The gift of faith has to tap into the mind of God and His wisdom, so the individual can be in step with God’s timing and strategy. Wisdom gives us the humility to acknowledge that we don’t know everything, and we need to learn and grow. If wisdom is absent one may experience the danger of “name it and claim it” mentality. Just because God made someone a promise, it doesn’t mean they can run with it and expect God to bless it.

A friend who is in her 60s told me that in 1970s when there was a great move of God in the church, she along with so many young people came to salvation during that time. These individuals got on fire for God and experienced a great touch from God, but then they got off balanced. Some were selling everything and quitting jobs because they were in love with God. They were ready to go into ministry or the mission field without much planning, training, or backing. This eventually led them to discouragement  and disillusionment until they found their equilibrium. They had to start facing the reality of finding a job, paying bills, and doing what other people do while loving Jesus. The wisdom of God gives us the skill to patiently administer God’s will into the earth realm apart from the emotionalism of the moment.

On the other hand, if we try to operate in wisdom without tapping into faith and hearing God on a matter, we may operate only on what is possible in the natural realm. We may get too cautious or wait too long to take a step because we don’t see or understand all the pieces yet. One may rely on his own logic and understanding and not leave room for God to be God and for Him to manifest His will in the natural realm.

A man or a woman of God who is able to hear God and believe what He says and at the same time applies the knowledge of the Word rightly, can have great success and longevity in their spiritual walk. We need to grow and develop in both to have a strong and life giving walk with God.

A Benefit of Walking Uprightly

 “He is a shield to those who walk uprightly.” Proverbs 2:7b

One of the roles of parents is to protect their children from the day they are born. Children are vulnerable and are in need of their parents’ protection for many years. However, there comes a time when children grow up and in order for a parent to protect a child, more is required from the child. This is the time the children need to be picking the right friends and be sure not to get involved with shady ones. They are now responsible for not abusing their bodies with harmful activities or substances. They are expected not to cheat on their tests. They need to follow the driving rules when they are in the driving stage.  If the children do what’s right, any parent would willingly and gladly support and defend their child in case of trouble or misunderstanding.

Our heavenly father does the same for us. The above scripture shows us that when we are right with God and walk uprightly, the Lord obligates himself to be our protection and our defense. If anyone accuses us of wrongdoing, they are coming against God’s child. This is a serious business!

The Lord is our protector and our shield. Isn’t it amazing that the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings chooses to be our defense attorney!? The most powerful person in heaven and on earth is backing us up!! People of affluence spend millions of dollars to find the best attorney to present their case and to be their advocate. We have a God in heaven who is our advocate.

As the children of God, we have the privilege of calling upon our Abba Father for our defense. He will contend with those who contend with us. We don’t need to run. It’s not necessary to get discouraged or fearful. We don’t need to allow the enemy to beat us down. Just as Joseph continued to stay faithful to God and live uprightly, we are called to do the same thing regardless of circumstances knowing that He will fight our battles and will keep us from harm. If He is taking care of the lilies of the field so well, how much more will he take care of us!? Praise Him!


Rachel Did It Her Way!

Doing it our way while it is very luring and desirous can have great long term consequences that we did not bargain for!

Then Rachel and Leah answered and said to him, “Is there still any portion or inheritance for us in our father’s house?  Are we not considered strangers by him? For he has sold us, and also completely consumed our money. For all these riches which God has taken from our father are really ours and our children’s; now then, whatever God has said to you, do it.” Genesis 31:14-16

In Genesis 31, the Bible tell us that Jacob decided to flee from his father-in-law Laban. He explained to his wives why he was running from his father-in-law. Rachel and Leah had their share of disappointment and frustration towards their father. They considered themselves a stranger in their fathers’ eyes. They didn’t see themselves valuable in his eyes but only a commodity to be sold to others. Their only value was the profit he was receiving from them. Jacob worked for Laban for 14 years as free labor for the compensation of marrying Leah and Rachel.

Those kinds of feelings are hurtful in any close relationship. Sometimes the questions of, “Why do you love me?” or “Why do you want me around?” crosses our minds when it appears that one person in the relationship is there for the benefit they derive from the other person.

Rachel decided to take it upon herself and do something about them not getting their fathers’ inheritance. She stole her father’s idols to maintain an inheritance for herself. Rachel’s decision had a few problems. First of all, one who owns the goods should allocate an inheritance. The owner of the goods decides who should be the benefactor of their inheritance. Stealing something that we think we deserve doesn’t make it an inheritance. Two wrongs don’t make a right.  Secondly, she was trying to manipulate the blessing of an inheritance by holding on to Dad’s “Good Luck” charms or heirlooms. She entered witchcraft by relying on objects for blessing rather than on the Lord. Thirdly, she had to lie and deceive her husband and her father about those idols, so they won’t find out about them.

Can we ever twist God’s hand to bless us? Is there any level of irresponsibility or cruelty on other people’s part that justifies our actions to manipulate a situation for our benefit?

With whomever you find your gods, do not let him live. In the presence of our brethren, identify what I have of yours and take it with you.” For Jacob did not know that Rachel had stolen them. Genesis 31:32

Jacob would have never made that vow/statement if he knew Rachel his loving wife stole the idols. Laban did not find those idols. However, by Rachel deceiving her husband, she opened the door for Jacob unknowingly to give permission for her life to be taken away. By her deception, she placed herself under a curse of death! Since she wasn’t caught with those idols, her life wasn’t taken right away. However, she lost her life when she gave birth to her youngest son Benjamin! Was it really worth it for Rachel to do it her way to get the father’s inheritance!?

Doing it our way, may give us temporary relief and pleasure, but doing it His way, gives us the inheritance of joy, peace, and contentment!

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Defending the Truth (Part III)

Integrity defends the truth

Integrity is an integral element of being a defender of truth. We give our best in every situation because it is the right thing to do. We are honoring God by living a single-minded devotion to Him. We are not doing it to be seen by men.

Jesus criticized the Jewish leaders because they sought man’s honor but didn’t care about God’s honor.  Their hearts were set to do right only to be seen by the right people!

You shall not go about as a talebearer among your people; nor shall you take a stand against the life of your neighbor: I am the Lord. Leviticus 19:16

A talebearer has duplicity of character. That kind of behavior is called hypocrisy. A person of integrity cannot be a hypocrite because they are willing to walk and live in truth regardless of the cost. The old saying, “What you see is what you get!” describes a person of integrity. Their desire is for God to build their reputation. They don’t concern themselves with: “Am I accepted? Will this buy me a position or relationship? What will it take for me to be part of the “inner circle?”

When someone looks to an individual with integrity they see truth lived out in their personal lives. Truth is not defended just with words but with a lifestyle of integrity!

Defenders of truth judge righteously

I can of Myself do nothing. As I hear, I judge; and My judgment is righteous, because I do not seek My own will but the will of the Father who sent Me. John 5:30

‘You shall do no injustice in judgment. You shall not be partial to the poor, nor honor the person of the mighty. In righteousness you shall judge your neighbor. Leviticus 19:15

Jesus is our model of righteous judgment. If we are placed in a position to judge, then we follow the standard that Jesus has set for us in the above scripture (John 5:30).

We need to be willing to put aside our own personal preferences and prejudices and listen to God in a given situation. We must learn to be objective in our judgment. Objectivity is when we don’t allow our own emotions or thoughts to add or take away from the facts.

Defenders of truth are careful with their judgment. To be truly a defender of truth, there are going to be moments that we have to excuse ourselves from judging a situation because we are too close to one of the parties. As defenders of truth, our hearts’ desire is not to run the risk of being partial in our judgment.

If we live a life of righteous judgment, over time we gain the respect of others because people know our desire is to do what is right, to be fair, and be mindful of the will of God.

Defending the truth is much harder than it appears! It takes a lot of courage, stamina, and fortitude to live a life that continually defends the truth and exemplifies the truth of Christ lived out in a person’s life. Defending the truth doesn’t always win friendships, but it pleases God and gains His favor!

Lord give us the courage, the strength, and the stamina to be defenders of truth and resemble you well on the earth.

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