King of Kings and Prince of Peace (Part III)


Mary didn’t understand how Jesus could be conceived and grow within her, yet she chose to trust, accept, and receive the gift from the Lord.

In our walk with God, we often do not fully comprehend how He is working in and through us. Yet, His hands are continually shaping us, growing us, and strengthening as we walk with Him.

Characteristics of a Wise Woman (Part V)

For, “Whoever would love life and see good days must keep their tongue from evil and their lips from deceitful speech. 1Peter 3:10

The tongue is incredibly powerful. In James 3, it is likened to a spark that can set an entire forest ablaze! It has the potential to bring life, healing, and reconciliation, but it can also tear down, wound, and destroy through criticism, gossip, or backbiting. Exercising self-control over our words is crucial to avoid using our tongues for harm.

To be wise women who desire to build up our homes, marriages, children, friendships, and churches, we must be intentional about the words we speak. When we consistently use our tongues for life, healing, and reconciliation, we contribute to the growth and strengthening of others and our own lives. Over time, we can look back and enjoy the fruits of our efforts.

Building takes effort, time, energy, and patience. In contrast, tearing down requires very little effort. Consider the example of large buildings or skyscrapers. Construction takes years, yet demolition can happen in mere minutes or hours. Similarly, our words can quickly undo what we’ve worked so hard to build. That’s why we need to remain consistent in building, strive to mature in our areas of weakness, and guard against any tendency to tear down.

Take time to thank God for the areas where you are doing well. Then, identify one or two areas where you sense God is calling you to grow. Pray and ask Him to show you how you can speak and act differently in those areas.

We can all say the right things and teach them well to others. However, a great indicator of how we are truly doing is found in the perspectives of those who live with us and see our true colors. If you are married, consider sharing the scriptures from this series of devotionals with your husband. If you’re feeling brave, ask him for feedback on how he perceives your efforts to build your home and live a life of wisdom. Be prepared to listen without defending yourself. Simply receive his insights with an open heart and a willingness to grow.

Characteristics of a Wise Woman (Part IV)


One area where women especially need wisdom is in their relationships with other women. Woman-to-woman relationships have the potential to be incredibly beautiful but they also have the potential to become rocky and competitive. However, as women of God, we are called to cultivate relationships that are genuine, supportive, and rooted in love. We have a beautiful example in the Bible. …

Characteristics of a Wise Woman (Part II)


Marriage is one of God’s most profound gifts, designed to bring honor, unity, and growth to both partners. Proverbs 12:4 paints a vivid picture of the dynamics within a relationship—showing how a woman’s actions and attitudes can either build up or deeply wound the partnership. Are we creating an environment of mutual honor and respect, or are there areas where restoration is needed? …