The Importance of Mercy and Truth (Part II)
Living in mercy and truth is supposed to be lifestyle for a Christian. The scriptures give us a better understanding of the importance of mercy and truth! …
The Importance of Mercy and Truth (Part I)
Mercy and truth are not words or concepts that is much talked about in the culture, but they are foundational to our faith! …
Debt- Good or Evil? (Part II)
Most debts are discouraged in scripture with the exception of one debt! …
Debt- Good or Evil? (Part I)
Is debt good or evil? It depends on the type of debt we are discussing. Scripture has much to say on the subject of debt, but it distinguishes between two different kinds of debt.
An Evaluation Review (Part III)
An Evaluation Review(Part II)
An Evaluation Review (Part I)
Jesus gave personalized feedback to the seven churches mentioned in the book of Revelation. Each church had its strengths and areas where they pleased God, but they also struggled with actions that didn’t align with His will. They were a blend of both good and evil, and Jesus lovingly pointed out where they needed to change and grow.
Taming the Tongue (Part V)
Taming the Tongue (Part IV)
The scripture tells us that our tongue is a very powerful tool that has the ability to produce good or evil. …