Paul’s Prayers & Declarations

As an apostle of Jesus Christ, Paul had a passion for God’s people to come into greater knowledge of the Lord and understand their position in the Kingdom of God. He regularly instructed the believers in the truth that God had revealed to him, and at times, he corrected the churches for some of the false teachings or practice. In addition to all the teachings and exhortations, Paul’s letter to the church of Ephesus contains powerful declarations and prayers that we can use in our devotional time!

As we begin the New year, let’s pray some of these scriptures and invite the Lord to take us to deeper places of intimacy and growth in Him. We all know that there are deeper places to go with God, but sometimes we don’t know how to get there. We also recognize that those around us need a deeper revelation of God and greater freedom in Christ. Below is Paul’s prayer for the people in the church of Ephesus. This is a good prayer to pray over ourselves, family, friends, pastors, other believers, or even backslidden believers.

Therefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints,  do not cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers: that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him,  the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints,  and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power  which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places,  far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come. And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church,  which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all. Ephesians 1:15-22

Currently, the body of Christ is struggling with lack of Bible knowledge, false doctrine, distractions, disunity, and relational issues, and we need to pray for the body to grow in maturity, in unity, and in strength. It is easy to criticize a church for its shortcomings since there is always room for growth and transformation in every congregation. However, we should lift up our churches in prayer and ask the Lord to change and grow them in His ways.

Below scriptures were penned by Paul to explain how God intended to establish and grow the body of Christ. Those with the gifts of apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastors, and teachers are called to fully operate in their calling and gifting. If the people of God utilize their gifting with a pure heart, with no selfish ambition, and no fear of man, the body of Christ has the potential to grow in health and strength. Use below scriptures as a declaration to pray over your church and the body of Christ as a whole.

But to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ’s gift. Therefore He says:

“When He ascended on high,
He led captivity captive,
And gave gifts to men.”

 (Now this, “He ascended”—what does it mean but that He also first descended into the lower parts of the earth?  He who descended is also the One who ascended far above all the heavens, that He might fill all things.)

And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ;  that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head—Christ—  from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love. Ephesians 4:7-16

Unto Us a Child is Born…(Part II)

For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6

I shared in the last devotional that Christmas is not the end of the story but the beginning of Jesus’ life and ministry on the earth. The Messiah came in the form of a baby, but He grew up to become all that God intended Him to be to save humanity from sin and lead us back to God. Christmas is not puzzling but powerful! Jesus’ attributes in the above verse are important truths in what we have in our Messiah. Below is a continuation of those attributes from the last devotional.

Mighty God

Jesus was with the father from the beginning. We look to Jesus as Mighty God who rules the universe, and that everything in heaven and earth belongs to Him. We understand that we are only stewards of our time, temple, treasure, and talents that He has given to us by His mighty hand. His awesome might causes us to have the fear of the Lord, and it gives us the conviction to do all our ministry and our work heartily as unto the Lord. He is the one we serve regardless of who we work for.

God separated the Red Sea with His mighty hand and made a way for the Israelites in a hopeless and unnerving situation. We also trust His mighty hand for our protection and for making a way where there doesn’t seem to be a way. He is powerful and capable to be our provider and protector. Do you believe that He is mighty in your situations of life? Do you recognize that His supernatural power provides you with everything you need for life and godliness?

Everlasting Father

Jesus came as the representation of the father to show us the way back to God. He came to redeem us from being orphans in this world and adopt us into His family. There are many people who have come from dysfunctional homes and have never felt wanted, valuable, or included. The good news is that with Jesus entering our world, He reversed every form of rejection and reconciled us to our heavenly father who never leaves us nor forsake us. We have an everlasting Father who is with us always! Have you been delivered from an orphan spirit? Do you still go into self-preservation mode whenever you feel an opposition? Are you on the road to thriving in God?

Prince of Peace

Jesus came full of peace! His identity and security was unshakable because he did not look to those around Him to validate what God had already spoken to Him. His security allowed Him to not take the bait of the enemy. Hence, He did not open the door to torment, guilt, or shame. Jesus came full of truth and grace. When lies are absent and the truth and the grace of God prevails in our lives, peace is ushered in.

In ministering to people, I found that when they recognize God’s truth and love and understand the lies of the enemy, it leads them to repentance. This breaks the chains of oppression, delivers them from torment, and their world becomes so peaceful! Jesus’ offer of peace is available to every weary soul. He invites us to cast our cares upon Him for He cares for us! Are you able to guard the peace of God and enjoy His rest in your life?

As we begin the new year, let’s consider all of Jesus’ attributes that make our lives rich, powerful, and meaningful. Pray and press into God in the areas that you desire a greater level of victory. Ask Him for what you need and patiently wait for Him. Allow the Lord to show you and change you from the inside out. Remain teachable and accept the dealings of God to change your life and your perspective.

Unto Us a Child is Born… (Part I)

For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given; And the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6

Our culture has a tendency to focus on baby Jesus laying in a manger, Santa, and gift-giving. We decorate our homes and send cards with various sentiments about peace and joy to the world! Then when Christmas passes, people don’t want to talk about Jesus anymore! However, Christmas is just the beginning of God’s redemptive love story. For unto us a child was born, but that child became an adult with the purpose of saving the world! The baby Jesus came to unfold God’s plan of salvation for humanity and to bring God’s kingdom and the joy and peace we so readily talk about.

Prior to the coming of Christ, His birth was prophesied hundreds of years earlier by various prophets. While many kingdoms and empires rose and toppled down, God had a different answer for government and human needs. The above scripture tells us about the attributes that the Messiah was going to have that were going to be answers for people’s yearnings. Let’s remind ourselves of these attributes that made Jesus our Lord and Savior! 

Government will be upon His shoulder

God placed every form government upon Jesus’ shoulder. Jesus is the foundation of every good government. The basis of God’s truth and righteousness creates a stable and strong foundation for self-government, family government, church government, and civil government. Jesus showed the highest form of government with His unwavering leadership, His reverence for God, His sinless life, His truthful and compassionate ministry, and His sacrificial death! If we all look to Jesus as our example of governance, our homes and our society will change dramatically. Where do you seek answers for good government? Are you self-governing? Do you govern your thoughts, emotions, words, and actions? 


Jesus is Wonderful, and He is marvelous! He continued to do signs and wonders that made people hungry and thirsty for more of God and His kingdom. He also astonished the religious people with His answers. His compassion for people was deep and His passion for God was unshakable and unwavering. Are you at awe of your God? Have His wonders touched your life?


Jesus is our Counselor. He is the one who gives us wisdom for every situation and dilemma. King Solomon was known for his wisdom because God had blessed him with great measure of wisdom. We cannot solve our problems without the wisdom of God. The further away people are from God, the more they look to human reasoning and half-baked ideas to solve humanity’s issues. The solutions may temporarily work but ultimately they have major consequences. Jesus is the best counselor who gives us insight, comfort, conviction, and instruction for every situation in life. God is in the business of helping His children, and He does not leave them as orphans in this world. Is He your counselor? Who do you go to first, when you are in need of counsel?

I will continue with this subject in the next devotional.

Mary & Joseph on Journey of Faith

Now when they had departed, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, saying, “Arise, take the young Child and His mother, flee to Egypt, and stay there until I bring you word; for Herod will seek the young Child to destroy Him.” When he arose, he took the young Child and His mother by night and departed for Egypt,  and was there until the death of Herod, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying, “Out of Egypt I called My Son.” Matthew 2:13-15

When the wise men found Jesus and his parents, they worshipped him for being the King of the Jews. However, things changed shortly after their departure. Since they did not return to Herod, Herod decided it was best to kill all the baby boys under the age of two to eliminate the possibility of someone claiming to be the king of the Jews.

Joseph had a dream that he should take Mary and Jesus to Egypt to escape the massacre of children. Mary and Joseph could not just settle down and enjoy their married lives. They had to learn to live by God’s voice and walk the journey of faith with Him! 

Moving in those days would have been uncommon since most people lived and worked where they grew up. People did not move for fun, for college education, or for a better job opportunity. They moved either because of a necessity or because God had told them to move. Mary and Joseph had to leave their natural families behind and go to a foreign country. They did not know how long their trip was going to last. They only knew that they had to obey God and protect Jesus!

God’s promises require our stewardship of listening to His instructions every step of the way and protecting that which He has already given us. God does the growing and nurturing, and we do our part in seeing God’s promises fulfilled!

Mary and Joseph remained very flexible and did not ask the Lord any questions. They only followed His instructions. Those steps that God was giving them must have been difficult and inconvenient, but they did not complain. Interestingly, God was fulfilling His purpose every step of the way and was bringing to pass the prophesies spoken about the Messiah in the Old Testament. Even though Jesus was already born, Mary and Joseph had a long way to go on their journey of faith to see the fulfillment of God’s purpose in Jesus’ life!

How are you protecting the seed of God’s promise? Is the promise in the danger of being eliminated by the enemy or by the naysayers? Is God asking you to move or change something in your circumstances? Are you reluctant to move out of your comfort zone? Are you asking lots of questions and arguing with God rather than just stepping into the unknown? Are you willing to remain flexible with God?

Carve out sometime during this season of the year and spend time alone with God. Put aside your opinions of how you want your life to look like and allow Him to show you the path and direct your steps!

Mary’s Humble Perspective

And Mary said:

“My soul magnifies the Lord,
And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior.
For He has regarded the lowly state of His maidservant;
For behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed.
For He who is mighty has done great things for me,
And holy is His name.
And His mercy is on those who fear Him
From generation to generation.
He has shown strength with His arm;
He has scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts.
He has put down the mighty from their thrones,
And exalted the lowly.
He has filled the hungry with good things,
And the rich He has sent away empty.
He has helped His servant Israel,
In remembrance of His mercy,
As He spoke to our fathers,
To Abraham and to his seed forever.” Luke 1:46-55

When Mary received the word of the Lord and became pregnant with God’s son, she humbly praised God! She was thankful that God had chosen her, and she rejoiced in God’s salvation. While visiting Elizabeth her cousin, Mary prophetically began to speak about the fact that future generations were going to be blessed with the birth of her son. She remembered the Lord’s faithfulness towards Israel and that He was bringing into fruition what the Lord had spoken to Abraham long ago.

This was the beginning of Mary’s journey in her pregnancy, and God gave her a word to proclaim to herself, to Elizabeth, and to those around her about God’s plan for humanity. Mary’s expectations were focused on God’s purpose and promise.

Mary did not focus on herself and how God’s plan would benefit her. She did not create any ungodly expectations about what that could mean for her finances, her status in life, or her role as Jesus’ mother on the earth. She did not try to figure out what would Jesus have to do to be considered the Savior of the world and her responsibility as His mother. She saw herself as a conduit for God’s purpose coming to earth. The scripture does not tell us that Mary and Joseph had to train or raise Jesus differently from their other children. They just simply believed God and lived life as a faithful Jewish couple, and God took care of preparing Jesus for His awesome task!

It is important for all of us to write down what God has spoken to us and to focus on God’s plan through the promise. The promise that God speaks to us will not only bring about a blessing into our lives, but it will also be a vehicle to bless others. The Lord does not expect us to interject our plan or ingenuity, neither does He want us to get stressed about how it will work out. He only expects our surrender to the process. That shift of mindset can bring about a huge relief from the stress and anxiety of helping God or feeling like we have to make something happen.

When things are not in our control, they can produce anxiety in our lives. Are you stressed about something that you feel you have no control over? Have you heard the Lord about it? If you have a direction from God, write it down, surrender yourself to God’s process, and fight with the word that the Lord has spoken to you until you find rest for your soul. If the Lord has not given you specific direction, continue to ask, seek, and knock. It could be that God desires to reveal Himself to you in a new way. God’s revelation brings clarity and dissolves anxiety. Let’s bind the spirit of anxiety in the name of Jesus and live in a position of praise and thankfulness today.

The Issue of Self (Part III)

In the last two devotionals, I shared about Queen Jezebel’s selfishness and Queen Esther’s selflessness. It’s interesting that both Jezebel and Esther called for a fast before they moved into action. Jezebel was getting ready to accuse an innocent of man of wrongdoing, so she can eliminate him. On the other hand, Esther asked people to fast, so she can have the courage to save others’ lives!

A worthless person, a wicked man,
Walks with a perverse mouth;
He winks with his eyes,
He shuffles his feet,
He points with his fingers;
Perversity is in his heart,
He devises evil continually,
He sows discord.
Therefore his calamity shall come suddenly;
Suddenly he shall be broken without remedy. Proverbs 6: 12-15

Selfishness is the seed that brings about the fruit of wickedness. When a person allows their selfish desires to take control of their lives, they would do anything to reach their goals. God considers it wickedness when someone plots evil schemes by falsely accusing and pointing their fingers at others. He declares that calamity awaits those who live their lives doing evil.  Queen Jezebel continued doing what she wanted to do until such a time when God chose to destroy her. Jezebel’s selfishness gave her a temporary satisfaction, but at the end her wicked plans brought sudden destruction. Interestingly, her own eunuchs threw her out the window! A selfish person doesn’t have loyal friends because their relationships are based on what benefits them.

How can we avoid selfishness? We need to respect others’ choices.  Slow down, be patient, and surrender our desires to God! 

So Mordecai went out from the presence of the king in royal apparel of blue and white, with a great crown of gold and a garment of fine linen and purple; and the city of Shushan rejoiced and was glad. The Jews had light and gladness, joy and honor. And in every province and city, wherever the king’s command and decree came, the Jews had joy and gladness, a feast and a holiday. Esther 8:15-17

Queen Esther risked her life to ensure her people were saved from calamity. God orders the steps of a righteous person, and He showed Esther how to handle this tricky and difficult situation. There was also unexpected good consequences that came out of her selflessness. Mordecai, her cousin, was deservedly honored for saving the King’s life from a plot against him. In addition, the wicked Haman ended up being surprised with a sudden calamity. That day became a holiday, the Feast of Purim, commemorating a day of joy and celebration for God’s people being saved from calamity.

When it goes well with the righteous, the city rejoices;
And when the wicked perish, there is jubilation. Proverbs 11:10

A righteous person lives a life that is selfless. Selflessness brings joy and gladness to those who are blessed with our acts of kindness and courage. The stories of Queen Jezebel and Queen Esther are a vivid contrast of a selfish life versus a selfless life.  Those choices are also available to each one of us. Just because we are believers, it does not make us selfless automatically. We have to live directed by the Holy Spirit and not give any room for our selfish desires. 

Would those around you consider you a selfish or a selfless person? Pray and ask the Lord to give you opportunities to be selfless. Give of yourself without an expectation of return and allow others to be blessed with your sacrifice and time. 

The Issue of Self (Part II)

In the last devotional, I shared about Jezebel’s selfishness and the fact that she was willing to go to great lengths to accomplish her wicked schemes. She did not shy away from accusing, bullying, and destroying those who were obstacles to her whims. She was a selfish woman with an insatiable desire to be in control!

In this devotional, I will share about Esther who was humble and selfless and was willing to risk her life to save her people! 

And Mordecai told them to answer Esther: “Do not think in your heart that you will escape in the king’s palace any more than all the other Jews.  For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”

Then Esther told them to reply to Mordecai:  “Go, gather all the Jews who are present in Shushan, and fast for me; neither eat nor drink for three days, night or day. My maids and I will fast likewise. And so I will go to the king, which is against the law; and if I perish, I perish!” Esther 4:13-16

Esther had humble beginnings. She was raised by her cousin Mordecai because Esther had  lost her parents at a young age. The scripture does not indicate that she grew up in wealth or status, but this young lady grew up as a woman of character and honor. She knew how to listen to the advice of those in authority over her. 

Esther found favor with King Ahasuerus, and he picked her to be the new Queen of Persia. Esther was kind and respectful to others, and she had the favor of those around her including the eunuch who served her. Becoming a queen didn’t make Esther heady. Her humility and love for Mordecai allowed her to remain alert and sensitive to the dangers lurking around her. When Mordecai alarmed her of the impending doom by Haman, she knew that it was time for action! She could not allow calamity to come upon her beloved Mordecai and her countrymen.

Do you have trusted people who are not afraid to tell you the truth about you and your situation? 

Esther knew that her life was in danger along with the other Jews, but she took the risk to go before the King even though it was against the law. When the King saw her, he extended his scepter to her and offered her half of his kingdom! If Esther had any selfish ambition or vain conceit, this offer could have derailed her from her original plan. She could have enjoyed and relished in all that the King offered her, but she was willing to give it all up for the sake of safety and security of her people. Esther was not swayed by the King’s offer,  and she continued with the strategy that God had given her.

Does wealth and status sway you to be quiet or passive? Are there areas in your life that you have been favored? Are you willing to risk your favor to advocate for others?

I will continue with this subject in the next devotional. 



The Issue of Self (Part I)

We live in a culture that makes it all about self; it’s all about our dreams, activities, career, accomplishments, and entertainment. The social media exasperates the problem even more by giving a platform for its expression. The truth is that the issue of self is nothing new, and it began with Adam and Eve trying to taking care of their perceived needs apart from God.

In the next couple of devotionals, I will share about two women who lived their lives very differently. One was selfish and the other selfless, and they both saw the fruit of their lives. They both reaped what they sowed!

And she wrote letters in Ahab’s name, sealed them with his seal, and sent the letters to the elders and the nobles who were dwelling in the city with Naboth. She wrote in the letters, saying,

Proclaim a fast, and seat Naboth with high honor among the people; and seat two men, scoundrels, before him to bear witness against him, saying, “You have blasphemed God and the king.” Then take him out, and stone him, that he may die. 1Kings 21:8-10

Jezebel was born a princess as the daughter of Ethbaal the king of Sidonians. Then she married King Ahab and became the queen of Israel. Jezebel may had never heard “no” from anyone, and she always got what she wanted. She was used to being demanding and getting her way.

The above scripture shows an example of Jezebel’s behavior in dealing with others. She did not hold back from bullying, intimidating, accusing, or annihilating those who got in her way. She surrounded herself with gods and prophets who would tell her what she wanted to hear, which kept her in her own delusion of being right and powerful!

Most of us have been around a form of Jezebel in our lives. They may look sweet and nice as long as they get their way, but as soon as they are not getting their way or someone steps on their toes, a vicious side of them is exposed!  They gravitate to positions of power because they need Ahabs to support them in their activities. They create their unholy alliance where Jezebel has Ahab’s back and Ahab protects Jezebel’s back, and in the process, they both get what they want.

The problem is that, at some point in life, someone will have the audacity to say “no” to the queen. That’s one of the dangers of people claiming that they have been rejected. Not every rejection is a true rejection. Some people are just so used to getting their way that they can’t accept anyone’s refusal of their desires or demands. Instead of accepting a “no” as an answer, they can falsely accuse others of wrongdoing and try to assasinate their character.  That type of behavior is demonic, and it empowers selfishness as a stronghold in people’s lives. How we handle those situations is the key indicator if we are allowing the self to continue to be in control or we allow God to grow us.

Jezebel thought she had the power to oppress a poor man, accuse him of wrongdoing, and then order him to get assassinated. Her selfishness caused Naboth to lose everything he had including his life. Jezebel got her way but only temporarily! God cursed this woman and she was killed by her own eunuchs and thrown down from the window (2Kings 9:32-33).

Selfishness is insatiable. When we open the door to it, nothing can satisfy for any length of time. When self is on the throne, there is no contentment. We may indulge in buying beautiful clothes, but in a few weeks, we want what somebody else is wearing. We may go on nice vacations, but as soon as we return, we begin to think that I have nothing going on in my life. People may be kind and generous with us, but the first person who does not respond to us the way we like, we begin to think that the world is against me! Self is the main culprit in living a carnal life. It is always at work trying to get its way in one way or another.

What truly distinguishes a follower of Christ from the rest of the world is their selflessness. Regardless of how much money, time, or resources we have, we may sacrifice many things, but self does not give up its reign and control very easily. As a matter of fact, people use time, money, and resources to control their environments.

Are you selfish? Maybe ask your spouse, children, or those close to you. Can you hear “no” without pouting? Do you say “no” to your own desires and cravings? Is it possible that you are an Ahab and that you protect a Jezebel in your life by giving him/her everything they want!? If we listen to the voice of the world, it will tell us that it is good to be selfish. However,  selfishness is a detriment to our spirit man, and if we desire to grow deeper in God, we must pay close attention to this issue.

I will share in the next devotional about a selfless person.

Psalm 138 (Part IV)

Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me;
You will stretch out Your hand
Against the wrath of my enemies,
And Your right hand will save me. Psalm 138:7

Definition of Revive (according to Strong’s dictionary): to have life, remain alive, to sustain life, to live (prosperously), be quickened from sickness, from discouragement, from faintness, and from death.

David had been in danger from many fronts in his life.  Psalm 138 is a tale of man who had lived through various difficulties and knew that God was his deliverer. Sometimes he had enemies like Saul and Absalom chasing him, and, at other times, it was his own emotions that would drag him to a place of despondency. In either case, he needed the Lord to save him and revive him.

The above scripture is a reminder of Psalm 23.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil;
For You are with me;
Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me. Psalm 23:4

Although David’s life was in danger frequently, God was with him. The Lord sustained him and gave him courage in the valley of shadow of death. If you have ever watched your shadow, you’ve noticed that depending on the angle of the sun, your shadow can look a lot taller than you. Shadows are not the real thing, but they can portray themselves to be real and intimidating. Instead of letting the shadows of life to loom over us, our Emmanuel wants to be with us and give us the courage to not be afraid of those shadows. 

If David had focused on his enemies, he would have been overwhelmed with his problems. Instead he looked to the Lord for his daily protection and for His hand to deliver him from every plot of the enemy. Our shepherd stays near His sheep. He comforts, leads, and guides us in the direction we need to go. What do you need from Him today?

The Lord will perfect that which concerns me; Your mercy, O Lord, endures forever;
Do not forsake the works of Your hands. Psalm 138:8

David was confident that God would take care of everything that concerned him. In the younger years, one of David’s concerns was knowing how to respect Saul yet avoiding to get killed by him! He knew that it would have been impossible to live in such a conflict in his own strength and that he had to rely on God’s mercy to bring it to pass.

What are your difficult and impossible situations? Do you believe that God is at work in your circumstances even when you are not supervising the project!? Do you trust him that someday the answer will become clear? The Bible is full of Biblical characters that despite the difficulties and impossibilities, God perfected that which concerned them.

How does God perfect that which concerns us? We may not know how God will perfect or accomplish what concerns us, but we know that He is the author and the perfecter of our faith (Hebrew 12:2). The above scripture (Psalm 138:8) makes me think of how little children get upset over a toy or not getting their way. However, when the child is only a year or five years older, the toy or the issue doesn’t matter to them anymore. Similarly, as we continue to grow in Him, someday some of which concerned us won’t even look as important as it does right now. In the process, we have been perfected and the Lord has taken care of concerns differently than what we originally imagined! 

Psalm 138 (Part III)

5 Yes, they shall sing of the ways of the Lord,
For great is the glory of the Lord.
6 Though the Lord is on high,
Yet He regards the lowly;
But the proud He knows from afar. Psalm 138:5-6

I shared in the last devotional that David’s hope and expectations were that the kings of the earth someday will be praising the Lord! In our modern day, those kings are those with money, prestige, popularity, or expertise in a particular area. They may think that they are in a exalted position, but God cares about those who are humble and look to Him. The more we move away from the ways of God, the more we have a tendency to fill the void of eternal thirst with people! The closer we get to the Lord, the greater understanding we have of His ways in our lives!

Oh, the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and His ways past finding out! Romans 11:33

In the above verse Psalm 138:6, David exclaims that kings and those in power will sing of the ways of the Lord! On the other hand, Paul declares in Romans 11:33 that God’s ways are unsearchable. How can they both be true!? Paul understood that we cannot find God’s ways in our own strength, intellect, or zeal, because he had tried it as a Pharisee. On the other hand, David had found that when sought the Lord, God chose to reveal His ways to him.

The people in world make goals to pursue education and to gain skills, but we cannot strategize to gain spiritual growth and understanding that way. We are incapable of becoming expert in  God’s ways by going to a theological school or trying to make it happen on our timetable. While it is very beneficial to study the Bible, we will never arrive by our self-effort. Unless God opens our eyes to reveal His heart to us, we will only gain head knowledge. There are many theologians who have advanced degree in theology but no understanding of God’s ways. God reveals His ways to us through interacting with Him, which is a process that could take years and decades.It is clear that Biblical characters such as Abraham, Jacob, Samuel, or David did not fully understand what God was doing in their lives. God’s ways are rich and deep in wisdom and insight and knowing them require time and humility on our part. 

Those of us who teach and preach the word of God have to be cautious and not try to define God’s ways by extracting doctrine out of every scripture. There are at least two problems with that approach. First, doctrine has a tendency to perceive God only in a certain way. The scripture certainly is full of doctrine, but not every scripture is meant to be a doctrine. For example, if Jesus had his quiet time early in the morning, it does not mean that everyone needs to have their quiet time early in the morning. I may do it early because I am following His good pattern, but I don’t have to make a doctrine out of it for others. The second issue with creating doctrine is that this encourages people to be lazy in seeking God since they can just follow our prescribed way to be obedient to God. People should always be encouraged to develop their relationship with the Lord by seeking Him in all matters and especially on those issues that are not in black and white. When we attach a doctrine to a scripture, we put ourselves in the position of authority to declare not only how God works, but that He only works in a certain way. 

While the Lord desires for us to grow in wisdom, knowledge, and understanding, none of us will be able to figure out God! We will always need to remain in position of humility, asking for His help, direction, and revelation. The Lord is very creative and He is working on several dimensions all at once. As Paul stated in 1Corinthians 13:12, that we see dimly but someday we will see Him face to face. Praise God that God is near those who are humble, and He chooses to reveal Himself  and show them His ways! Look to the Lord with humility today and let Him show you His ways!