The Preserver Is Preserved! (Part III)
Selflessness a great preservative
Whoever seeks to save his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life will preserve it. Luke 17:33
Jude, a bondservant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, To those who are called, sanctified by God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ: Jude ( verse 1)
In the natural world, self-preservation seems to be the answer to survival and prosperity. The world influences people to take care of “number one” and be selfish. It’s interesting that most selfish people are unhappy while they may have an outward appearance of having it all together. In the process of saving themselves, people lose the true life that God intended for them. The more we focus on self, the emptier and darker our lives get!
Jesus has a better solution to a full life. In the Kingdom of God, self-preservation is the opposite of being preserved. Jesus taught his disciples to deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow Him. What are we to deny? We are to deny the pangs of competition, anger, & negativity. We are to say, “no” to self when it tries to get its way. We are to deny the desire to indulge, be indifferent, or prove to be right.
There are times that denying ourselves will feel like the kiss of death to our future or reputation. Nevertheless, God has promised to fight for us and keep us alive even in the midst of opposition.
Joseph didn’t defend himself when the Potiphar’s wife falsely accused him. Why didn’t he do it? Could it be that he cared about his boss (the Potiphar) and the marriage more than Joseph’s own well being? Was he being careful in not bringing any division or embarrassment to Potiphar’s family? Joseph had plenty of opportunities to have had a conversation with his boss, but he didn’t.
Can we love people beyond the hurt they inflict on us? Can we continue to do things for their benefit even at our own detriment? Joseph certainly had to deny seeking justice by abstaining to defend himself. When was the last time, you chose not to preserve yourself?
Ultimately, the Lord is our keeper. If we have been walking with integrity and humility, Jesus is our preserver. He is the one who defends us, protects us, and guards our hearts from poisonous situations.
God preserved Joseph because he chose to trust God and do what was right. The preserved became the preserver of the nation of Egypt and his own family. He laid down his own rights, and he gained life for himself as well as multitudes.
Lord, today we choose to follow to your instructions on how to be preserved. We choose to fear you above all others. We want to show discretion in our speech, and we will deny ourselves by being selfless regardless of the person you put before us. Give us the strength to do it well. In Jesus’ mighty name. Amen.