A Dead Seed Produces Life (Part I)

The Lord’s creation speaks beautifully on how He works on us spiritually.

Let’s look at the below scripture describing a “seed”:

“Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain.” John 12:24 

The Seed must be dead and dry

Even in the best of soils there is something significant that needs to happen to a seed in order for it to grow and bear fruit. The seed must be dry and dead to become ripe for fruitfulness. In our natural or spiritual world we like to see ourselves successful. We don’t want to be “dry and dead”. That’s not pretty, or popular. However, the work of the Lord moves more powerfully and effectively in the ashes and unpopular moments of our lives.

When we are at a place we see our spiritual poverty, the flesh is weakened to the point of not feeling glorious. Emotions are worn out to the point of feeling like, I am nothing, and have no potential. We are completely weak! We have reached a point of feeling dead and dry in ourselves. The scripture tells us that in our weakness He is strong.

Do we need to be weak for God to be strong? No! God is always strong and powerful, but pride gives us a fictitious feeling of well-being. In those moments when good things are happening we credit ourselves for being great, ingenious, and wonderful. But when we are weak we truly have a good estimation of ourselves. This is not a place we like to stay for a very long time because it doesn’t feel good, but this is the place of God’s presence and glory.

The outer shell is broken

Now the outer shell of a seed needs to be broken before it can grow and attach itself to the soil around it. When our outer shell is broken, we are more tender and humble. We are in a place of being penetrated easier.  We are less concerned about what people think of us and more concerned what God wants to do.

This is the seed of life that looks dry, and dead, but has the greatest potential for life. When the seed is planted in the ground, it is watered and the sun hits it, breaking the outer shell. We are afraid of being broken. We like to think of brokenness as pre-Jesus days, and just share it as a nice testimony of yester years. I don’t see that anywhere in the Bible. Once God gets a hold of a person‘s heart, then the true process of brokenness begins. In our past life we were broken because of sin and rebellion.  This time we are broken for the purpose of showing God’s glory.

 The germination begins

Jesus has deposited himself in us, and the light of Jesus is under the bushel of our soul and body, and unless we are broken of ourselves, His light will stay hidden. Once a seed germinates something profound begins to happen.  Germination needs to grab hold of the dirt around the seed, soak up the food and water to grow. The sustenance inside the seed is only for a short time until it helps reach the next phase of growth. This transition must happen or the seed will die. It cannot live on its own but it is dependent on its environment to live and be successful. The deeper the root the greater likelihood of producing a healthy plant. There will be days of invisibility while the seed grows underground and takes root, not showing, on the surface. That’s how you want it though. You must trust that something is happening even when you don’t see it!!!

In the next devotional, I’ll discuss the next phase of the growing seed.

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