Do Not Be Afraid! (Part II)

It is not surprising, when you look at the scriptures, how many times God visits His people and tells them not to be afraid. God visited Abraham, told him not to be afraid, and gave him a powerful promise!

After these things the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision, saying, “Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward.” Genesis 15:1

The Lord is our shield and our great reward. God told Abraham that He was Abraham’s shield. The reality of life is that we really can’t protect ourselves from most things. Unless God and His angelic protection are around us, we can’t do much to guard ourselves from harm. God also told Abraham that He is his great reward. Abraham had refused the wealth that Melchizedek had offered him earlier. He could have been wondering if he missed out on a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for wealth, so the Lord came to encourage him. God told him that He Himself will be his reward. What a grand promise! Out of all the things that the Lord could reward someone with, God wants to reward us with Himself!

Sometimes obeying the Lord is going to cost us something. The cost could be a relationship, more money, or favor. However, when we recognize that God sees our desire to please Him, and He will encourage us and He declares Himself as exceedingly great reward!

The promise that God made to Abraham is also available to all of us if we truly recognize the work of the cross and what Jesus bought for us. We have the Holy Spirit in us, which means God is with us all the time. He is our great reward. He is our shield. He is the one who comforts and counsels us. We get to have Him to ourselves 24/7 and don’t need to get on His schedule to be seen by Him. He is always available to talk to and fellowship with us.

Abraham said no to the wealth Melchizedek offered him. Where are you called to say ‘no’ to something and rest secure in the Lord as your shield and great reward?

The only way we can live a life free from fear is to look to the Bible for the answers God has given when He told His people not to be afraid.

Image by Jose Weslley from Pixabay


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