Guard Your Heart (Part IV)

How we do know if our hearts are guarded!? The word of God gives us insight on how to do a heart check-up and find out if our heart is healthy spiritually.

The scripture tells us that what comes out of us is a good indication of the condition of our hearts. People tend to focus on the external and how someone is dressed or how well-spoken they are. However, the Lord always goes to the root of the issue, which is the condition of our internal world. God told Samuel that man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart (See 1 Samuel 16:7).

A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good things, and an evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth evil things. But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” Matthew 12:35-37

The religious leaders of Jesus’ day were very focused on their appearance before people. They were too focused on their status and how they were seen by others. They wanted to ensure that they had the respect and honor of others. Instead, they should have been concerned about God’s honor and how He saw them. Their stewardship before God should have been of paramount importance. Jesus rebuked the religious leaders for being so concerned with their external appearance. According to Jesus, they cleaned outside of the cup but inside they were full of self-indulgence (See Matthew 23:25)

Every way of a man is right in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the hearts. Proverbs 21:2

Knowing the condition of our hearts is difficult, but the Lord tests the heart to reveal its condition to us. One tongue is a revealer of our heart condition. The Bible has many scriptures about the tongue and its use to bring life or cause destruction to those around us. In truth, the tongue is just a vehicle to express the condition of the heart. Some people are very skilled in saying the right things to ensure that they don’t lose favor or popularity with those in power. However, sooner or later, when pressure comes, what is really in the heart will be blurted out and the condition of the heart which was hidden is revealed.

Have you paid attention to your words lately!? Are they wholesome, hopeful, and life-giving? Or are they cynical, negative, and destructive? Are they all about you and what you want, or do they show concern for others and how they can be helped?

When God reveals our heart condition, instead of hiding, excusing, or defending it, we should acknowledge it. Then we need to ask the Lord to help us to be cleansed from it. It doesn’t matter if others don’t see it. We know that if our heart is polluted, it will affect us spiritually and relationally. When David was caught for his sin with Bathsheba, he did not deny it, but he cried out and asked the Lord to cleanse him. Psalm 51 is all about that exchange with the Lord. Once we are cleansed, then we need to continue to guard our hearts against offenses, gossip, envy, anger, and unbelief and remain diligent not to allow the world and other people’s issues to pollute us.

Image by Robin Higgins from Pixabay


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