Intimacy with God (Part I)

The book of Song of Solomon is a picture of Jesus’ relationship with his bride.

I sleep, but my heart is awake; It is the voice of my beloved! He knocks, saying, “Open for me, my sister, my love, My dove, my perfect one; For my head is covered with dew, my locks with the drops of the night.” Song of Solomon 5:2

While the bride was sleeping, her heart was awake. This is an important aspect of our love relationship to God. At a natural level, love has an enamoring affect. Our heart leaps with joy when we get a phone call, or we get to see our loved one. In a similar manner, when God’s love touches us, we are overwhelmed and comforted with His love!

Our heart is always awakened because of love. That’s the kind of heart God is looking for. He doesn’t just want a functional bride that does a lot of work for Him, but He is looking for one whose heart is awakened by Him. He desires a bride that does not mind being interrupted with her routine life to do it differently today. He is looking for a bride whose heart is expectant and ready to receive his voice and his presence with great joy! 

Sadly, many churches struggle with having an awakened heart. Everything is controlled by a programs and a timeframe. The direction of what will happen on a Sunday service has all been worked out, and there is no room to listen to the voice of the beloved or possibly change from the original direction.

Today, keep an awakened and expectant heart. Make room for Him throughout the day and listen, so you can hear Him when He knocks. Allow Him to minister to you, love you, and direct your steps.

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