Intimacy with God (Part III)

I sleep, but my heart is awake; It is the voice of my beloved! He knocks, saying, “Open for me, my sister, my love, my dove, my perfect one; Song of Solomon 5:2a

To live a successful Christian life, we need to find out what God thinks about us.  There are times that we are tired, burdened, and exhausted, and we are in need of being refreshed by God. Jesus desires to encourage and uplift His bride.  He wants us to know His thoughts about us. The above scripture gives us a glimpse of how Jesus feels about those who have accepted Him:

He calls us His sister/brother. We belong to the family of God, and we are His brothers and sisters. He adopted us the day we made a decision to accept Him into our lives. We may have come from a family who rejected us, but God accepts us into His family. His Kingdom and all the benefits of the Kingdom belong to us. 

He calls us His love. God is love, and He enjoys giving that love away to His beloved. He is a generous God who desires to lavish His children with His great love. The scripture tells us that nothing can separate us from His love (See Romans 8:35-37). It is God’s nature to love. He chose to create us in His image, so we can have the ability to commune and communicate with Him. People’s love may be shaky at times. Sometimes we may not even love ourselves, but God always does. 

Jesus calls us His dove. It doesn’t matter how dark or ugly our past has been. He has the power to wash us, make us clean, and restore our innocence. We don’t have to live in a survival mode,  fight for ourselves, or prove to be right. We can walk in innocence and simplicity of faith not because the world is a trustworthy place, but because He is trustworthy to protect us and watch over us.

Do you see yourself as Jesus sees you?

I will continue on this subject in the next devotional. 

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