Intimacy with God (Part IV)

I sleep, but my heart is awake; It is the voice of my beloved! He knocks, saying, “Open for me, my sister, my love, my dove, my perfect one; Song of Solomon 5:2a

The Lord tells us that we are his sister/brother, his love, and his dove. In the above scripture, his final thought about us is that we are perfect. Jesus does not see us as a project to work on. He sees our potential to grown and mature.

Jesus is confident that we will change. Love is the greatest changing agent. Jesus considers us enough! In the light of His glory we are perfect! We don’t have to feel ashamed or defective. We don’t have to strive to be accepted or loved! He is not concerned about what others think of us, and He wants us to feel the same way about ourselves.

The Lord is looking for that awakened heart who is willing to respond when Jesus knocks on the door. He has a genuine interest in our lives, and He desires an intimate relationship with His bride. We don’t have to understand everything, but we can still respond with love, trust, and expectation.

Jesus is the author and finisher of our faith (See Hebrews 12:2) . That means that no one else holds the pen to write our destiny. He is there to carry us through all the way to the end. He has committed Himself to us. He made a covenant with us that is a guarantee of our union with Him through eternity. He is a faithful bridegroom, and He expects His bride to be faithful to Him.

Be excited about the journey with Christ and a loving intimacy with Him! He knows where He wants to take us. We are to enjoy our relationship with Him, and at the same time grow up into maturity. We already are His sister/brother, His love, His dove, and His perfect one. He has seen the end from the beginning. We rejoice in His work and keep going!

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