Modern Idols (Part IV)

Our relationship towards our pets can be another form of idolatry.  The Bible is clear about the fact that we are to take care of our animals. 

The righteous care for the needs of their animals, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel. Proverbs 12:10

God gave the rulership of the earth to Adam & Eve and included in the mandate was taking care of the animals. In the old days, animals were source of food, labor, income, and protection for a farmer and his family. Nowadays, not only we don’t utilize animals for work, but we also pamper them and give them all the fancy things that we enjoy. Granted there are dogs that serve a good purpose, and their companionship for people is valuable, but Americans are treating their animals as if they are their children!


NBC News had an article reporting on people’s passion towards their pets. In Southern California there are “Pow Bars”, “Cat socials”, and “Mutt Mingles” according to this article, just as a parents may join a MOPS group for their children. NBC News article stated that Americans will spend more than $60 billion dollars on their pets in 2015. That is a lot of money! We may each spend a couple of thousand dollars and not think much about it, but when you think about the collective amount that we all spend on our animals, it is sadly enormous! Doesn’t that say something about what we value as a nation? Can some of this money be put to better use rather than lavishing our animals with the best food, healthcare, hotel, etc.?

I grew up in a culture that animals were used for work or protection and did not live in the house  because they were considered unclean. For the majority of my life, I had been scared of dogs. I didn’t understand why people love their dogs so much. Additionally, I could not to find scriptures that supported having pets for fun.  When we finally purchased a dog for my daughter six years ago, things changed for me. I did get attached to this dog, and now she is part of the family. It is hard not to want to do things for her and get her the best I can afford. However, I still don’t believe that it was God’s idea for us to lavish them and love them as children. 

Culturally loving animals is acceptable and there are many believers who cherish their pets as well. This keeps us in a comfortable position where we don’t question whether our affection or behavior towards our animals is idolatrous or not because they are many like us!

2 thoughts on “Modern Idols (Part IV)”

  1. Great read–many people go over the top in over loving their pets!! Sorry but dogs are not people. Pets sure can be subject to idolotry. Jesus gives us true security its not found in anything else!

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