Pure Heart & Clean Hands

During the holidays, life has a tendency to get busy with all the festivities, decorations, gifts, and gatherings. As we enter the New Year, most of us clean up our homes from all the activities and bring things back into order. The busyness of the season can also clutter our hearts, hence the need to set it back on the right focus.

Who may ascend the mountain of the Lord?
    Who may stand in his holy place?
The one who has clean hands and a pure heart,
    who does not trust in an idol
    or swear by a false god. Psalms 24:3-4

To begin with a clean slate, it’s good to treasure the memories made and let go of all the disappointments and frustrations from the previous season.

Who desires to ascend the mountain of the Lord? Those who desire to get closer to the Lord, don’t need to take anything up the mountain with them. He is looking for a pure heart and clean hands. A pure heart is a singleminded heart whose attention is only on pleasing the Lord. 

My goal is to meet with him frequently and hear His voice. I want to repent from anything that He wasn’t pleased with, and put it behind me, so I can be free to move forward in what is before me.

Recently, I heard a story of two ladies who helped a homeless man. He desired to see his sister who lived in Tennessee but had no means to get there. He had not been in contact with his sister for a couple years. The two ladies bought him clothes and a bus ticket, so he can visit his sister. That would have meant that they needed to spend sometime with this homeless man who, most likely, did not look good nor smelled good. However, they were willing to reach out to him and lend him a hand.  It would have been a lot easier to write a check to a homeless shelter than doing what these two did! What a blessing for these two ladies to bring joy in this man’s life and see his need fulfilled. He ended up having a place to stay with his sister and will begin looking for a job in Tennessee. 

Our hands may be busy with many things, but I want my hands to be busy with those things that matter in the Kingdom. I want to touch those that God wants me to touch. I only want to consider unclean what God calls unclean. The Lord considers unclean those things that come from impure heart and unclean motives.

Lending a hand to those who are in need for Christ’s sake, even when they look or smell dirty, is one of the cleanest things we can do. Lord, give us the courage to be your hands and feet in this world and serve you with a pure heart and clean hands. 

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