The Importance of Mercy and Truth (Part II)

Living in mercy and truth is supposed to be lifestyle for a Christian. The scriptures give us a better understanding of the importance of mercy and truth!

Proverbs 3:3b: Bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart,

The scripture tells us to bind mercy and truth around our neck.

Definition “bind” according to Strong’s Concordance: Hebrew word (H7194) which means: to tie, or to conspire.

Carnal or wicked people may conspire against the innocent (Proverbs 1:10-15), but God has His own way for us to conspire! He wants us to tie mercy and truth around our necks and write them on the tablet of our hearts. This is our winning strategy! It will protect us from wickedness and harm.

Verse 4: and so find favor and high esteem In the sight of God and man.

When we respond with mercy and truth, God is pleased because we are representing Him well on the earth. This kind of response can even change the hearts of those who didn’t initially have good intentions. What a powerful testimony that would be—to show that the Lord has truly made us into supernatural people! Jesus is a perfect example of this. The scripture in John 1 tells us that He came full of grace and truth. Many who tried to trap Him walked away convicted because of how He responded to difficult situations.

The Lord is calling us to live this out consistently. We need to have both mercy and truth! We can’t just operate in the one that suits our personality and neglect the other. This will make us unbalanced Christians, and it prevents us from representing the Lord well.

We need the Lord’s supernatural work within us to go beyond our own preferences. When we walk in both mercy and truth, regardless of the circumstances, God is glorified! Moreover, the scripture promises that we will gain favor from both God and man.

Lord, thank You for Your grace that gives us the ability and courage to walk in mercy and truth daily! Amen.



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