The Price Of Transformation (Part II)

I am continuing with the subject of transformation from my last devotional.  Galatians 5 is very direct about some of the issues that cause us to fall back into the bondage of sin, and it also gives us solution on how to stay free once we have tasted freedom through Jesus. If we are in bondage to any form of sin, we will be hindered from our spiritual growth and transformation.

Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies,envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. Galatians 5:19-21

4. The works of the flesh must have no room in a believer’s life. The scripture is unswerving that those who live to indulge their flesh will not inherit the kingdom of God. Each of us may have a different struggle as it relates to the works of the flesh listed above. However, the sobering fact is that we don’t have to be doing all of the above sins to get cut off from our inheritance. Each sin, if practiced regularly can cut off the life giving blood of Jesus and His transforming power in our lives!! We have a tendency to focus on, “big sins” such as adultery or murder, but the scripture lists contention and envy in the same category called “works of the flesh”.

Some of the above sins are connected to each other. For example, a person with selfish ambition may also have a problem with jealousy or envy, because they want to outshine others. Contention can lead to hatred or outbursts of wrath. Many of these sins can stay hidden for a long time in one’s heart and attitude before there is visible evidence of sin. That means we can easily deny their existence in our lives!

There is a fleshly satisfaction in giving into the “works of the flesh”. Every time, we get an enjoyment from sin, we feed and strengthen our flesh and weaken the control of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.  Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another. Galatians 5: 25

5. Walk in the Spirit. The Lord’s solution to the “works of the flesh” is to walk in the Spirit. The spirit must lead, not the flesh. We are called to lean on the Spirit. That means if the Lord says “wait”, then we wait. If He asks us to speak up, then we’ll do that. We must be willing to lay down what He asks us to lay down regardless of the cost to us. We choose to be in step with the Spirit. We’re not running ahead of God, but we’re not lagging behind Him either! It is in those quiet places where God changes us because we have chosen the Spirit over the flesh!! When we do this, we are allowing the Spirit man to grow, and we are starving our carnal nature!!

Galatians 5:25 also clearly states that we don’t want to provoke someone else to sin. That means if we know someone’s weakness, we don’t intentionally push their buttons to see if they will react to it. That’s not loving our neighbor as ourselves! We do our part as much as it depends on us not to provoke them.

To walk in the Spirit requires great determination. We need to stay on the potter’s wheel and allow God to overtake our internal world with His Kingdom.!! The enemy as well as our flesh will try to fight us and convince us why it’s foolish to obey the leading of the Spirit. We have to fight this battle and allow God to win every time. When the Israelites took over a territory, many times God would instruct them to destroy everything. The same is true with the landscape of our heart. Any territory that is still in control of the enemy is an occupied territory!!  The enemy will use that area to expand his control and bondage over our lives. Every sin, every wrong attitude, every wrong thinking must be annihilated!!

My brothers and sisters in Christ, transformation is so important for the life of a believer. We don’t have time to play any religious games and figure out who is mature, anointed, gifted, or whatever. Those things are all important, but being transformed by His power has a greater priority in a believer’s life than determining one’s anointing or gifting! We can’t afford to gather in our churches to impress each other nor does more activity in the church result in transformation.   There is a price each of us has to pay to be free from the yoke of bondage and experience true internal change. We need to keep ourselves at the altar of God and have Him continue to transform us.

In light of God’s mercy towards us, it is our reasonable response to allow His work in our lives to come into complete fruition!! The more we are transformed the better we reflect Jesus. People don’t care about how much we know, our church affiliation, or position in ministry. Believers and unbelievers want to see a life giving person who loves God and genuinely loves and cares for others.

Please pray and ask the Lord to show you one area that needs transformation!!

The next devotional is going to be on the evidence of a transformed life!!





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