The Rest of God (Part I)

We live in a busy world with many demands on our time and attention. In addition, the social media gives us plenty of opportunities to be distracted and waste our time on frivolous and sometimes fake information. While we may complain about our stress level, some of it is generated by our choices.

A few months ago, my back went out, and it stopped me in my tracks. The MRI showed that I have a herniated disk and will take months to heal. I went to a message therapist, who did a great job in bringing relief to my back, but he told me that I am suffering from stress. I have a tendency to begin thinking about the next task or the next assignment, which causes me not to give my body the rest it needs. He told me that I need to rest after completing my work and enjoy what I have accomplished. He is a Christian, and his message resonated with me because it is scriptural.

One of the important things that God spoke to His people in the Old Testament and the New Testament was the need for rest. 

By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Genesis 2:2

The Lord who is all mighty and powerful rested from His work on the seventh day. At this point, sin had not entered the world. Rest was part of God’s design from the beginning, and He set the example for us to rest. If God rested on the seventh day, that tells us that we need to rest at least one day a week.

Resting means to cease from doing. God has designed our bodies to rest. He has written the manufacturer’s manual, and He tells us that this is what we need to function optimally. We generally take care of our cars according to manufacturer’s manual, but why do we not take the Bible seriously in His instructions about our bodies!? Many people suffer from various physical, emotional, and mental ailments because they dismiss getting the rest they need. They would rather go to the doctor or take pills than giving their body the care it needs to function well.

Do you set time aside to rest?  Are you getting the rest you need?


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