The Threshold from Wilderness to Promised Land (VIII)

The Lord directed the people of God to cross the Jordan River and led them through dry land to bring them to the Promised Land! The Lord fulfills His promises.

And it came to pass, when the priests who bore the ark of the covenant of the Lord had come from the midst of the Jordan, and the soles of the priests’ feet touched the dry land, that the waters of the Jordan returned to their place and overflowed all its banks as before.

19 Now the people came up from the Jordan on the tenth day of the first month, and they camped in Gilgal on the east border of Jericho. 20 And those twelve stones which they took out of the Jordan, Joshua set up in Gilgal. 21 Then he spoke to the children of Israel, saying: “When your children ask their fathers in time to come, saying, ‘What are these stones?’ 22 then you shall let your children know, saying, ‘Israel crossed over this Jordan on dry land’; 23 for the Lord your God dried up the waters of the Jordan before you until you had crossed over, as the Lord your God did to the Red Sea, which He dried up before us until we had crossed over, 24 that all the peoples of the earth may know the hand of the Lord, that it is mighty, that you may fear the Lord your God forever.” Joshua 4:18-24

The Lord brought the Israelites out of Egypt through the Red Sea, allowing them to walk on dry land. Now, forty years later, He is bringing them through the Jordan River on dry ground.

Interestingly, the first time, they had no choice but to cross the Red Sea since the Egyptians were chasing them and they did not want to go back. However, this time they had a choice. They could have been scared and resisted God’s instruction. In fact, their fathers did just that and perished in the wilderness. But the new generation was ready to take the risk. They had learned from their parents’ mistakes and decided that taking the risk was worth it; remaining in the wilderness was not an option.

Are you at a point in your life where you are willing to take the risk and do what the Lord has been directing you to do?

The Lord came through for the Israelites, and as the priests led the people, they all walked on dry ground. This was significant because it showed the power of God to the Israelites as well as the people around them.

I love verse 24 and what it emphasizes. The fact that God led them through on dry ground displayed His might and power! His might and power should awaken humanity and create a healthy fear of the Lord! We tend to focus on God’s miracles as signs of His love. While it is true that He loves His people and is engaged in His children’s affairs, people often forget that it is His mighty hand that delivers them. This should bring awe and great honor towards the Lord.

Furthermore, the Lord instructed them to use the stones collected from the Jordan River as an altar and a remembrance, so that people could continue to remember God’s faithfulness.

The Lord knows that man has a tendency to forget how He comes through for them. That’s why it is important to have a way to remember God’s faithfulness in our lives and His mighty acts in our lives and among us.

Remember God’s mighty hand in your life. Does it bring awe and fear of the Lord to your heart? How do you try to remember God’s faithfulness in your life?

The Lord led the Israelites through the wilderness to the Promised Land. The process was not easy but He taught them powerful lessons, showed His love and His mighty power, and was with them every step of the way!

Image by Jürgen from Pixabay

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