Unhealthy Authority

Unhealthy authority can produce a lot of damage and tear down lives, organizations, and even nations. It’s important to recognize unhealthy authority to ensure it doesn’t derail us from the purpose of God and what He intends to do in our lives.

Here are some of the characteristics of unhealthy authority:

1. Inconsistent: The one in charge can change arbitrarily because it works for them and meets their needs. Saul was a good example of that. One moment he would love David, making him his armor bearer. In another moment he would throw a spear at David trying to kill him, and that continued to go on in their relationship. (1Samuel 17-19). The great thing about David was that he humbly submitted to God and honored His delegated authority. He also didn’t allow it to take His focus off of the Lord, but it actually brought David closer to the Lord. Many of the Psalms are written in times when David is anguish of being chased by Saul.

2. Insecurity causes partiality: An insecure authority demands others to be in agreement with them. Their security is in being right all the time, so they will reward agreement and subtly punish disagreement. They could even label others as anti-establishment or anti-authority.  King Nebuchadnezzar was upset with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, and unfortunately King Darius was influenced by those closest to him as well, throwing Daniel into the lion’s den for not following his orders. If one is to walk with God, we must understand there will be times of unjust treatment. Ultimately the Lord is our protector and the defender as was beautifully displayed, with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, in the fiery furnace, and Daniel in the lion’s den. (Daniel 3 & Daniel 6)

3. Rigidity causes oppression: God sent Moses to Pharaoh and Pharaoh stayed stiff-necked and very rigid with not allowing God’s people to leave Egypt. Prior to Moses coming to Pharaoh, the people were oppressed by strict rules and hard work undermining their value as people. When rules are rigid and the letter of the law is followed, but it’s missing the spirit of the law, it causes oppression and exasperation by those subject to authority.

The scripture tell us “And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord.” Ephesians 6:4.  Historically, many revolutions have begun for this very reason. The oppressed people try to overthrow an oppressive regime because they were provoked to wrath. People belong to the Lord and when leaders become rigid and harsh, they are misrepresenting God. God doesn’t exasperate us because His ways are not for selfish ends. They are always for our good even when they are difficult. His desire is not for us to be crushed under the situation for His grace is sufficient for us to handle it!!

4. Pride causes aggressive behavior: Haman was a man who despised Mordecai because he would not pay homage to him. After he was promoted, he was so proud that he could not stand to see anyone not accepting or receiving him. He was so arrogant and sure of himself that he decided to kill Mordecai, and his people, the Jews. Praise God that He used Esther!! She risked her life by being a voice for Mordecai and the Jews.

Unfortunately, some of the atrocities that have occurred throughout history were instigated by unhealthy authority. Germany under Hitler, racism in our nation, is a couple of examples of unhealthy authority. For these kinds of atrocities, people of God must fight. They are not fighting for themselves but for the poor, and the voiceless.

In Conclusion

Romans 13:1b tells us, “The authorities that exist have been established by God.” Whether the authority is healthy or not, we cannot lose focus of the fact that it has been established by God. We must never forget that whether there is healthy or unhealthy people in power, we are called to pray for them, continually forgive them, & stay submitted to the Lord and them. God used harsh authority to train David, Daniel, Paul, and many others. On the other hand, we need to be guarded enough not to be defined by unhealthy authority.

Today, let’s examine ourselves to see if our authority is healthy.  Are we treating people under our influence with value, dignity, and respect? If any of the above areas are issues of struggle, please pray that God would take that out of your heart no matter what it takes. People may not have the voice to tell us about our unhealthy ways, but God watches over everything. It grieves Him when people are not shepherded well. Let’s pray for His heart and mind, so our leadership and authority represents Him well!!

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