A Time to Review and Refocus (Part I)

As we march forward into 2022,  it is good to review and evaluate the past year and also to seek the Lord for what He desires for us to focus on in the coming year!

To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven: Ecclesiastes 3:1

It is a blessing to celebrate our growth in the past year and give thanks to the Lord for His mercies and for what He has done in our lives! It is also important to examine our lives and evaluate where we need more growth. As we prayerfully listen to the Lord, He can show us what we should focus on.

As we examine our lives, several areas are important on a daily basis. At the core is our spiritual walk. Upon this foundation, we also have relationships with family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, etc. For many, their careers and ministry are also important aspects of their lives. How are you doing in all those areas!? What are the areas that you have seen growth and what are the areas that need improvement!?

For example, some people may have learned to better communicate with their spouses or children. They see improvements in those relationships and are happy that they have overcome major obstacles in the past year. However, for some, it might be the opposite. They have found themselves in strife and division with their loved ones, and they have realized that they don’t do a good job in conflict resolution.

The truth is that none of us have arrived, and most of us will have areas that need improvement. This is not about feeling bad or comparing ourselves with others. It is about addressing the areas that continue to cause problems that we need to face. We don’t want to hit a plateau in life and stop expecting to grow or change anymore. We should desire to continue to grow and be open to what the Lord wants to do in our lives.

What is the Lord showing you!?  Is He calling you to develop the fruit of the Spirit in your life? Are there gifts that He wants you to fan into flame? Does He desire for you to be mentored by someone or mentor someone else? Is He leading you to memorize a portion of the scripture? Do you need adjustments in your priorities and/or commitments? Do you have chronic negative thoughts that need a plan to combat!? Do you need to track your finances and make a budget? Is there a need for better or healthier relationships in your life? Do you need to lose weight and eat healthier? Anything that the Lord shows you write it down, so you can refer to it from time to time. On those days and seasons that life gets busy, it will help you to review and refocus.

Happy and blessed New Year!


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