Authentic Faith (Part I)

In the landscape of current American culture, anyone can claim to be a Christian but it doesn’t mean that they all believe the same doctrine or apply it similarly to their personal lives. There are many who call themselves Christians but don’t have visible qualities of a life surrendered to Christ. Many denominations have produced a smorgasbord of Christianity that people can pick and choose what they agree or disagree with. 

What is authentic faith and how does it look different from being religious?


One of the key areas that one must examine a true faith, is our relationship to the word of God. There are those who do not believe that the Bible is the inerrant word of God. This is is a major differentiator between an authentic faith versus a lesser version of Christianity. When one deems the Bible to be in error, it causes the believer to be the master of their faith. The believer is in charge of the decision of whether a scripture should be adhered to or unnecessary to be followed!

If the Bible has errors, then we do not have a doctrine that our faith can depend on. There is no stability to believe in God or to place our hope in the finished work of Christ. Any portion that we may deem to be true, another could refute it. Additionally, our own experiences would affirm that following certain scriptures seem impossible.

True faith has to have stability that is based on truth.  If the Bible has errors, then it becomes a shifting sand rather than an anchor for the soul. How can one rely on it in the midst of storms of life and the turmoil in the world!? If faith cannot wholly rely on the promises of God, then the person can settle to use the Bible as a book of poetry or riddles. This causes the Bible to be a good philosophy book but not one that one is willing to submit to.

Having a form of godliness but denying its power. 2Timothy 2:5

The above scripture applies to those who believe the Bible to have errors. Paul is instructing Timothy that these type of individuals have a resemblance of faith, but they deny the power of God. Our main understanding of God and His nature should come from the Bible. How can one believe in the nature of God if they are questioning the authenticity of the Bible? If the Bible is not accurate then what it describes about God may not be accurate. 

Authentic faith believes that the word of God is inerrant and that it is meant to be followed not just intellectualized. A true faith engages the body, soul, and spirit to transform the entire person.


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