The Believer’s Response to Orlando Massacre

As our nation was hit with yet another act of terrorism taking 49 lives and leaving many injured, the church has some reflecting to do.  This time the tragedy hit a people group that has been on the opposite side of morality and politics to Evangelicals. In the past two decades, Christians in various spheres have been standing against legalization of gay marriage and acceptance of that lifestyle. At times, it seemed as if we were fighting against homosexuals. 


It is interesting how tragedy brings people together and flushes out so many issues that can cause barriers between people. Those issues melt away in the face of such a nonsensical massacre. This is the opportunity to show the heart of Jesus in the midst of such a pain. This is the time the body of Christ including the church leaders need to reach out to the families who are hurting and grieving such a deep loss. This is the time to suspend distaste of lifestyle for a moment and look at the fact that every victim was created in God’s image. Every one of those individuals was created by God and for God whether they ever realized it or not.

The scripture gives us instruction on how to interact with each other:

Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. Romans 12:15

The Lord calls us to keep our hearts pure, so when something goes wrong with those who have persecuted us, we are capable of showing compassion towards them and are willing to mourn with them.  In our case, these are individuals that we have disagreed with on many important issues of life, but the tragedy has hit their lives.  What are we going to do about it?

The tragedy in this situation is two fold. The first tragedy is the fact that people’s lives were suddenly taken away, but the second one is that they did not get a chance to repent and get their lives right with the Lord. What if they had Christian family members who had been praying for their loved ones to come to repentance and salvation? They need our prayer and support during this difficult time.

Some wonder if choosing to love and mourning wth homosexuals, would give the wrong impression of condoning their behavior. I don’t believe that’s the case. The Evangelical churches have firmly stood against homosexual behavior for years. This is an opportunity for us to show that we have never been against gay people. We love them as we love any other human being on this earth. If we are speaking out against a particular sin or lifestyle, it has nothing to do with the rejection of the person but it has do with rejecting the lie that the individual has believed. We want to see them find the Truth that sets them free! We never wished their demise, and we are saddened by this tragedy.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. John 3:16

Others are wondering, “is this tragedy a judgment from the Lord?”. In my reading of the Bible, the scripture tells us that God has no desire to see anyone perish but to have an everlasting life. The New Testament era is the age of redemption. God desires for every person to come to the full knowledge of Jesus Christ and see their lives and hearts completely transformed. This is the message of the gospel that every believer is called to carry and share the Good News with others.

There will be the Day of Judgment when Jesus returns for His bride, but He has not given the responsibility of judgment to man to impose it on others. He has given us the Great Commission to go tell others about Him. This is what differentiates us from a religion like Islam because they feel that they are responsible for dispensing God’s judgment on the earth. Obviously, sin has its own built-in consequence, and every one of us is subject to it as we are to the law of gravity.

Christians believe that Jesus sacrificially gave Himself for us, so that those who believe in Him, they become a new creation. All their sins will be washed away and the judgment of God will pass over them. Now they can live a life with a renewed spirit, a sober mind, a changed heart, and a submitted will towards God!

Let’s pray and ask the Lord to give us opportunities to share the heart of God with those who are hurting.

2 thoughts on “The Believer’s Response to Orlando Massacre”

  1. Based on the title of the devotion, my first reaction was not to read the devotion. Would your opinion conform to mine? Would I be challenged in my thinking? Would I easily agree with your position? This morning I read an article on a similar subject and was convicted as to whether I was being legalistic in my walk. Just using the dictionary definition of legalism as an excessive adherence to law or formula (theology – dependence on moral law rather than on personal religious faith). I’m reading Believer’s Response and my heart soften because our spirit are in on one accord and the Spirit confirmed the love of Jesus. Love and morn with His people. All people regardless of color or choice were created by God. My responsibility as a mature believer is to allow the Spirit of God to shine through me. Our Savior came not to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.(John 3:17)

    “Some wonder if choosing to love and mourning with homosexuals, would give the wrong impression of condoning their behavior. I don’t believe that’s the case.” My understanding is that loving as Jesus loved shows our obedience to His word. I know for a fact because the Bible tells me so that it is God’s desire that all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth (1 Tim 2:4). Therefore, it is my prayer that I be given the opportunity to show the love of Christ that resides in me. I’m now making a formal apology to all who have seen and been subjected to the hypocrisy of religious Christians. I’m praying that Believers remember that it’s our job to represent based on relationship because we are the one who are called by His name.

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