A Freed Up Mind

For most of us, our minds is a highway of thoughts and imaginations that run to and fro buzzing around causing havoc to our soul and bodies.

Each of us comes with a certain preconceived ideas of what life, relationships, marriage, and a whole host of other things look like. We have built protection mechanisms against those things that have harmed us in the past to ensure we won’t get hurt again. We have learned to fight certain issues, run from others, and oblige to certain situations/people. Some of these are strongholds, and the Bible has a clear solution to them.

Living life as orphans in a sinful world and having our own sinful nature, has caused all of us to develop strongholds along the way that will challenge a believer. In order for a Christian to live a victorious life, he/she must confront the strongholds in his/her life, and free the mind from anything that causes disobedience to the will of the Father.

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh.  For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds,  casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, 2Corinthians 10:3-5

The Bible tells us that we must hold every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. In order to hold something captive, we need to catch it first! Our thoughts and especially the strongholds are tricky to catch because they have become habitual to us. We have certain patterns of thinking that are very familiar and comfortable to us. These can be either miserable or arrogant thoughts such as: “Nobody likes me.” “Everybody hates me.” I’m never heard.” “I’m not important.”  “Why is she always the popular one?” “I don’t like him.”  I’m the best.” “I should be the special one!” “I have to go first.” “I will prove that I’m right.”, etc.

The best way to catch familiar thoughts is to recognize them in two ways. The first one is the frequency of which we have them. Some of those strongholds may not look as damaging until we see the fruit of them in our lives because we keep thinking the same thing over and over again. The second way we can catch them is when we feel fearful or proud. This is when we pay attention to the thoughts that crossed our minds. Those are the thoughts that seem to protect us, but in reality hold us captive in our fortress with a certain way of viewing life and other people.

Once we recognize them, we need to repent. Forgive those that have caused pain in our lives. Forgive ourselves for the sins/mistakes we committed and uproot the strongholds. A spiritual house cleaning is a necessity for every believer. Strongholds, arguments,  and vain imaginations need to be identified and cast  down. The spirits associated with these strongholds have to be bound and cast out as well.  Any thought or attitude that has controlled our lives and held us in bondage from obeying Christ must go!

I will continue with this subject in the next devotional.

If you have any questions about spiritual house cleaning, removing strongholds, and associated ungodly spirits please contact me for more information at karlinefischer@knowhisways.com.



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