The Benefits of Patience (Part I)

Patience is a key ingredient to our maturity with God. It’s what allows us to see the fruition of God’s process in our lives. Without it we can be like the Israelites in the desert who kept whining and complaining. They went around the mountain for forty years and didn’t get to see the Promised Land. They got frustrated with Moses and the circumstances, which led to more waiting and impatience!!

Patience puts to death the flesh. Naturally, the flesh is driven to strive and push its own agenda. A Patient person lives a surrendered life. That’s a life of peace and contentment, and it is the kind of life that the Lord desires for us live. Patience is a fruit of the Spirit, and God develops it in us as we partner with Him. 

There are many benefits to patience. I will share a few with you in the next couple of devotionals.

Through patience full truth is revealed

The end of a thing is better than its beginning; The patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit. Ecclesiastes 7:8 

When we are faced with a new challenge, the tendency is to draw quick conclusion based on limited facts. The first thing we should do is to ask the Lord, “What are you showing me through this? What will this teach me about you?” This takes the focus away from the person or the circumstance, and it helps us look to Christ!

When we are patient and willing to receive more input, over time things will become clearer. If we adamantly insist on our viewpoint, then we move into pride, and it can derail us from seeing things clearly.  People have partial truth, but the full truth belongs to God who knows all things and see all things. If we patiently wait and not try to win the argument, in time God can reveal full truth to everyone involved.  That will settle the matter much better than if we tried to force it early on. We also have the opportunity to get new revelation of who God is and His marvelous work in our lives.

If we were Haman, Job, or Joseph’s friend, what would our reaction be based on what was going on initially in their lives? Would we flatter individuals like Haman because they seemed successful for a period of time? Would we be judgmental of people like Job and Joseph because their lives seemed like a failure for a season? Patience allows time to clear things up and reveal truth; it settles the dust and takes away the confusion.

Patience can eliminate evil actions

Now we exhort you, brethren, warn those who are unruly, comfort the fainthearted, uphold the weak, be patient with all. See that no one renders evil for evil to anyone, but always pursue what is good both for you and for all. 1 Thessalonians 5:14-15 

Patience allows us to turn the other cheek and not get drawn into carnality because of someone else’s evil behavior. Some people will be unruly, others discouraged, and some weak. Every one of them needs encouragement and exhortation to help them move forward in God’s purpose.  Sometimes we are the ones who are unruly, discouraged, or weak. Every person and situation has a potential for good if we are directed by the Lord and not get impatient or frustrated with each other.  When we are patient, it helps us not to react to other people’s bad behavior. We desire to pursue what is good and beneficial for everyone involved including those who mistreat us. This reveals Christ-likeness in us and glorifies the Father.

Thank you Lord for the fruit of patience. We need it desperately it in our lives!

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