Custom Made by God

Have you ever wished to be in someone else’s shoes?

I enjoy fashion and growing up I was blessed with a father who was a tailor and a mother who was a seamstress. All I needed to do was point to a picture in a fashion magazine and ask Mom to make me the dress. Mom would make this beautiful dress that was perfect in pattern, style, and size. She would do the same for herself.


Both of our dresses were custom made and beautiful, but  the thought of wearing each other’s dresses never entered our minds. Each dress was uniquely fashioned for the taste, body type and our age. My dress wouldn’t have looked perfect on my mom and her dress would not have been perfect on me but our own dresses were perfect for us!! My Mom and I enjoyed our newly made dresses very much.


Let’s see what the Lord says about the word “fashion”.

He fashions their hearts individually; He considers all their works. Psalm 33:15

Your hands have made me and fashioned me, an intricate unity; Job 10:8

The word fashion in the above scripture is Hebrew word 6213 asah which means: to do, accomplish, make, to work, to produce, to appoint, to ordain, to press, to be offered.

This is the same with our God who has fashioned us. His fashioning is like a dress to be put on a body. We are the dress that will be placed on the purpose and plan of God. We need to be fashioned perfectly for “our” purpose. We will not fit someone else’s purpose like we would our own. “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” (Eph 2:10) When we create and fashion something, we rejoice, we celebrate, we rest, and we delight in our production. The Lord delights in the work of His production.


Every one of us is fashioned uniquely. He is not calling us to be somebody else or do what somebody else is doing, but He calls us to follow Him. We are fashioned by the Lord as unique people and He wants us to stay true to our form. In a world that is full of insecurity and tries to follow or copy superstars, we can only stay original if we stay close to the Lord and hear his voice of acceptance. Stay true to who you are and you will fit your purpose perfectly!!!


What is the Lord preparing you for? Are you willing to be cut, mended, and shaped to the size of your purpose?