A Vessel of Honor
Did you know you can choose what type of vessel you become in God’s house?
But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also of wood and clay, some for honor and some for dishonor. Therefore if anyone cleanses himself from the latter, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified and useful for the Master, prepared for every good work. Flee also youthful lusts; but pursue righteousness, faith, love, peace with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. 2Timothy 2:20-22
The Lord’s house is full of His people. While He has bought us with His precious blood, redeemed us from our former ways of life, we choose how valuable we become in His kingdom based on our obedience. The scripture tells us that in a great house there are vessels of gold and silver, and vessels of wood and clay. The vessels of gold and silver are vessels of honor and the vessels of wood and clay are vessels of dishonor. According to the above scripture, we can choose what type of vessels we become.
What are some of the characteristics of a vessel of honor?
The word vessel means: a container for holding something b: a person into whom some quality (as grace) is infused.
These individuals are living a sanctified life. That means they know their lives are set apart for God’s purpose. They can’t fulfill their own desires. The vessels of honor are empty containers used for His glory. They have been emptied of themselves, so the Holy Spirit can have them entirely. Being emptied is not a fun process!! It’s hard and it’s painful!
The vessels of honor are not a mixture of worldliness and spirituality. The carnality has been purged out of them. They are useful vessels because they can be trusted to represent the kingdom well. They don’t speak for themselves, but they are ambassadors and spokespersons for the kingdom. They are also individuals that through a season of God working on them are prepared people for His work. They are trained soldiers, and polished arrows capable of accomplishing His tasks successfully.
How do we become a vessel of honor? According to verse 22, we are called to flee youthful lusts. We may not be young in age but youthful lusts can follow us into old age. When you think about your younger years, do you have distaste for your lustful ways or do you think of them as the good old days? Have you outgrown the past passions, ambitions, and desires? The formula for dealing with lust will not change regardless of our age. If you sense you are getting tempted in any area, you must train yourself to resist the temptation and hold every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. James 4:7 & 2Corinthians 10:3-5
We are also called to pursue righteousness, faith, love, & peace and do it with a pure heart. If we do these things and avoid foolish and ignorant disputes we will become vessels of honor. We will be the gold and silver who have been tested over the years by various trials and have become more and more pure over time. We will be a treasure in God’s house, useful for His kingdom, and a showcase of His nature and His glory. Our lives will bring honor to His name. When people think of us, they will think well of a Christian because we represent Him beautifully!!
Praise God for His goodness. He chooses us, calls us to himself, and then desires for us to partner with Him on a journey of life that will change us, mold us, break us, purge us, and make us more like Him. Useful for His purposes!!!!!