Jesus Declared & Differentiated Himself…

Jesus said to him, I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me”.John 14:6

Jesus made a very bold statement that contains four important elements. Jesus is the way. Jesus is the truth. Jesus is life. Finally, no one can come to the father except through Jesus. These statements are not made by a politically correct person. Jesus cared to tell the truth to the world, so each person can have the opprotunity to live a free life. Every declaration about himself is powerful, and we cannnot take it lightly. We have a tendency to concentrate on only one aspect of who Jesus is.  As a result, we can only experience a limited level of victory, not a complete victory.

If we concentrate on only one portion of Jesus declaration about Himself,  it causes a couple of problems. The first is we are not getting to know Jesus in His entirety of character and person. The second is we will not have complete victory in our walk with Him. We may talk about it, preach or teach on it, but we will not experience it. Let’s look at all four elements.

Jesus is the way. All wisdom and the right paths are found in following Jesus. The scripture tells us His ways are perfect.  We need to go the right way in life or we will be lost, confused, & distracted.

Jesus is the truth. Jesus encompasses that entire Word of God. He was the last lamb who came to take the sins of the world, and He is coming back for His bride, the church. The Bible calls Him the chief cornerstone”. We must build our lives on this rock. He is our foundation.

Jesus is life. Finally, we can have the truth, go the right way, but not experience the fullness of life and joy of the Lord. Jesus is life. He needs to be the one who consumes all our attention, love, and dedication. Anything that takes His place, will also take away from us experiencing fullness of life. We need to fight the battle of not being owned by anything other than Jesus. We can’t be in bondage to anything. We must be free to worship Him and keep Him on the throne. He is the only one deserving of the throne. No man, or thing, is qualified to take that place. If we give anything that place, eventually it will fail us, disappoint us, and break us. We will then need to be purged of what has diluted and stolen our affection from the King of kings and the Lord of lords.  This will steal our joy and peace.

Do you find yourself losing your joy and peace frequently? Ask yourself what has taken the place of Jesus on the throne of your heart.

Finally, Jesus declared,”no one comes to the father except through me”. There are many religions out there who claim to have the truth, but they are trying to reach God by good works. Some of these religions will even recognize Jesus as a prophet or a good teacher. But that is only part of the truth. The whole truth is that Jesus is greater than a teacher or a prophet. The son of God came to reach us. He came to save the world from sin and darkness and open the door for us to be in relationship with a holy God. There is no other solution to our problem of sin and the restoration of man’s relationship with the one and only Holy God. Other religions may have a portion of the truth, but the whole truth lies in the person of Jesus Christ and what He did on the cross.

Jesus didn’t make many declarations about Himself. However, the declarations He made you don’t want to miss them because they are life changing.

If you have never accepted Jesus as your savior and Lord, today is the day to make that decision. It is the most important decision you can ever make in your life. You can click on ‘Salvation Prayer” menu item on the top part of this page to guide you into a prayer to receive Jesus as your Lord and savior.

If you have received Jesus as your savior, but you find that in one or more of those areas that you can grow more, then ask Him to change you in those areas.

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