Debt- Good or Evil? (Part II)
Most debts are discouraged in scripture with the exception of one debt! …
Most debts are discouraged in scripture with the exception of one debt! …
Is debt good or evil? It depends on the type of debt we are discussing. Scripture has much to say on the subject of debt, but it distinguishes between two different kinds of debt.
Jesus gave personalized feedback to the seven churches mentioned in the book of Revelation. Each church had its strengths and areas where they pleased God, but they also struggled with actions that didn’t align with His will. They were a blend of both good and evil, and Jesus lovingly pointed out where they needed to change and grow.
The scripture tells us that our tongue is a very powerful tool that has the ability to produce good or evil. …
Taming our tongue is not easy, but it’s crucial to our walk with God. One area where the tongue often needs to be controlled is in the realm of lying. God hates lying, and many scriptures in both the Old and New Testaments address this issue. Lying can take many forms—deception, exaggeration, hypocrisy, and half-truths. …
We live in a time when people have no problem accusing others of wrongdoing. It’s easy for people to pass judgment on a situation and claim they know in their hearts who is telling the truth. The truth is that we cannot step outside of God’s boundary and misuse our spiritual gifts to shortcut God’s process of determining someone’s guilt or innocence. In fact, the stronger our feelings about a person or subject, the less likely we hearing God clearly! …
The Bible has many scriptures about the use of tongue, and it gives us instructions about the improper use of tongue and the blessing of using our tongue appropriately. …