
Reflect, Remember, and Resolve

Some trust in chariots, and some in horses;
But we will remember the name of the Lord our God. Psalm 20:7

In David’s era, Kings evaluated their strength by the number of their chariots and horses. However, King David knew that chariots and horses were not the measure of his success or power. Many times God had delivered him when he owned none of those things, and he knew unless God protected him, his possessions had no power to deliver him nor to protect him! Therefore, King David’s trust was in the Lord and he remembered the Lord for His mighty power on his behalf!

In this day and age, most of us don’t have any chariots or horses, but people still put their trust in people or things. The chariots and the horses of our day could be high-paying jobs, impressive education, co-dependent relationships, connections to high places, nice retirement, or a beautiful house! While those worldly things are nice, they are not the answer to life or Godliness! They cannot protect or deliver one from evil. They cannot provide discernment in choosing between right and wrong nor can they bring health and wholeness to a person. Without the Lord we can do nothing! As Paul stated, in Him we live, move, and have our being (Acts 17:28 a). The Lord is the one who gives us strength in the body, soul, and spirit, and He is the one who leads us in the way we should go!

Similar to David, we also are to remember the Lord and His mighty work among us! At the close of 2019, it is good to reflect on this past year and remember God’s mercy and grace in our lives. How has the Lord directed, provided, and delivered you in this past year!?

In addition, evaluate this past year and determine if you had your version of chariots and horses that you trusted in. Was there anything that stole your focus from the Lord having the first place in your life!? Prayerfully, resolve what you could do better and improve upon in the new year. Is it having more regular quiet time with the Lord? Is it to make more time for loved ones? Does social media take too much of your time? Are there certain thought patterns that need to be broken off, so you can live in more joy and peace in life? Is it getting more exercise? Is it eating healthier? Is it saying “no” to distractions, so you can remain focused on your priorities?

Once you determine the areas that the Lord is leading you to improve upon, share your goals with a friend and develop a mutual accountability. Every couple of months, check in with each other and see how the other one is doing.

As we are about to begin a new decade, let us wean ourselves away from worldly chariots and horses and place our focus on more intimacy with the Lord! Have we significantly matured in the last ten years? What were the obstacles to growth? What needs to change in order for growth to occur? Those are all important questions to think about as we are heading into the new year!