God’s Unassuming Packages (Part II)

Walking with God requires faith. In a world filled with flashy advertisements and empty promises, God operates quietly and gently. He may whisper and ask us to do something without explaining why. Yet, when we obey, it brings joy, peace, and growth into our lives, and afterwards, we recognize that it was a gift!

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. James 1:17

When the Israelites were hungry in the desert, God provided them with food from heaven, which they called manna, meaning “what is it?” This so-called food was a thin wafer that seemed insignificant and unlike any food they were accustomed to. If they had another option for food, they might have ignored the manna altogether, or even stepped on it as they journeyed. However, their desperation for food led them to accept it.

The Lord operates similarly in our lives. He may whisper to us to reach out to someone in need, yet we find all sorts of excuses not to obey. However, there is often a blessing in obeying His voice. He could be attempting to free us from insecurities, or He may want to bless the other person through our outreach. But because His word comes softly, often in unexpected ways, like manna, it may not seem important to obey immediately.

Just as the Israelites were sustained by “what is it?” for decades, our obedience to God’s gentle nudges can sustain us and bring blessings to others.

There are times when what initially appears not to be good—such as a failed relationship, job loss, or a tough situation—requires a deeper faith. It demands trust that what God brings into our lives will ultimately work for His good.

Joseph’s pit led to his ability to help his brothers. David’s struggles under Saul inspired beautiful Psalms. Paul’s imprisonment resulted in influential New Testament writings. Sometimes, the benefit or beauty of the gift isn’t evident for years. That’s why Scripture describes the gift as “good and perfect,” even when it doesn’t appear so at the time.

Are there situations or people in your life that you don’t view as good and perfect gifts from God, but you know He has allowed them for a purpose? Pray and ask the Lord to change your perspective. Trust that, despite the difficulty or pain, He has brought these circumstances for good, producing fruit in your life and those around you.


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