If the Son Makes You Free…

Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

They answered Him, “We are Abraham’s descendants, and have never been in bondage to anyone. How can You say, ‘You will be made free’?” Jesus answered them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin. And a slave does not abide in the house forever, but a son abides forever. Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed. John 8:31-36

Definition of Free (According to Strong’s Dictionary): in a civil sense, one who is not a slave of one who ceases to be a slave, freed, manumitted, free, exempt, unrestrained, not bound by an obligation; in an ethical sense: free from the yoke of the Mosaic Law.

Jesus told His disciples that the Son makes them free. This freedom was a sure freedom that no government, no person, or no circumstance can steal from them. The disciples were a bit offended because they did not see themselves as slaves. They considered themselves free as Abraham’s children. Then they stated that they have never been in bondage to anyone!

The truth is that the Israelites were in bondage to slavery for over four hundred years in Egypt. The fact was that the Israelites spent decades in Babylonian captivity. Additionally, during Jesus’ time, they were under the oppression of the Roman empire. They were also in bondage to the their own man-made laws. Ironically, despite all the history of bondage, they did not see themselves as slaves but considered themselves free!

How can people think they are free while they are still in bondage?

Misery stays comfortable in miserable company

Knowing others are in a similar situation as we are makes it comforting. It gives us false sense of well-being and security. For example, if the average credit card debt is about $6000 per person, then our $8,000 debt doesn’t seem too bad. If most people spend 50-60 hours a week busy with work and activities, then our stressful life doesn’t seem to be too bad.

New definitions in culture

Our culture has a significant impact as to what we perceive to be right or wrong. For example, in our nation abortion is legal, and as a result many don’t see a problem with it. However, if you or someone close to you has experienced abortion, you could still be bound by the guilt and shame of it and not understand why you are struggling. Just because something is legal it doesn’t erase our conscience from the guilt of it. The culture or the governmental laws don’t have the authority to define what morally is right or wrong only the word of God can!

Mind over matter

We have been taught to declare the truth over ourselves to ensure our mind is renewed. That’s an important aspect of walking out and working out our salvation. However, we should also examine our lives from time to time and ensure we are experiencing change and growth in various areas of our lives, and it is not just something we claim to be true.

Not having good role models

If we only look to those around us to measure our level of freedom, we may not have people around us who are truly good role models of freedom. They may have been free in some areas, but they still have their own issues and struggles. As a result the standard is based on who we look up to not what Jesus is able to do for us. For example, if the couples around us all have major issues they are working on, we may feel that peace and unity in marriage is not attainable. We may perceive it as just an ideal to hope for.

Not honest with ourselves

Sometimes people feel the need to have a persona of freedom in order to look strong and powerful. They are afraid of showing weakness because they believe mature believers should have no struggles.

Lord please show us our current areas of bondages. Open our eyes to see where we need to experience your freedom at a greater and deeper level!

What is the evidence of our freedom? This the subject of the next devotional.




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