Taming the Tongue (Part III)

Taming our tongue is not easy, but it’s crucial to our walk with God. One area where the tongue often needs to be controlled is in the realm of lying. God hates lying, and many scriptures in both the Old and New Testaments address this issue. Lying can take many forms—deception, exaggeration, hypocrisy, and half-truths.

For some, lying seems effortless, and social media has made it even easier for people to portray an image of themselves that is not truthful or is overly perfect. A few years ago, I was discussing with a high school teacher the issue of students turning in their cell phones at the beginning of each period. He had 150 students across all his classes, which he met with daily. I asked him, “What if students claim they didn’t bring their phones?” He told me that only one student per day might tell the truth about not having their phone. That’s a huge number, considering the use of a cell phone should not be important enough to lie about!

Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons,  speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron, 1 Timothy 4:1-2

In the scripture above, Paul warns Timothy that in the last days, people will become comfortable speaking lies because their consciences will be seared. Such individuals will give themselves over to deceiving spirits and follow doctrines of demons. It’s likely these people don’t even realize they’ve deceived themselves.

When people open themselves to lying, they also open a door to the demonic realm. It’s especially dangerous for those who “get away” with lying. Once lying works, it becomes easier the next time they face pressure. Initially, a person may feel guilty, but they often justify their actions to soothe their conscience. Sometimes, confiding in a close friend relieves the pressure of conviction, but this too can lead to further desensitization. Over time, their conscience becomes seared, and they lose sensitivity to the Holy Spirit and His convictions. If someone lies to others, it’s only a matter of time before they might lie to us.

These six things the Lord hates,
Yes, seven are an abomination to Him:
A proud look,
A lying tongue, Proverbs 6:16-17

The Lord tells us He hates lying. “Hate” is a strong word, and we should take it seriously. When God despises something, it’s because He knows the destructive effects of that sin. People, whether knowingly or unknowingly, open the door to demonic influence when they lie.

Since the Lord is full of truth, He will not tolerate or bless any form of lying, half-truths, or deception. He may allow it to continue for a time, but He will also give people opportunities to repent. If they don’t, the consequences of lying will eventually entrap them, much like a spider’s web. The sooner we break free from this destructive habit and ask God for the courage to live truthfully, the more peaceful and free our lives will be, allowing us to enjoy our relationship with the Lord.

How is your truthfulness barometer? Do you try to impress others by portraying an exaggerated image? Our tongue can be a vehicle for good or for evil. Lying is against the nature of God, and therefore it should also be against the nature of God’s children. We must all learn to slow down this powerful vehicle (our tongue) and pay attention to how we use it!


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