The Blessing and the Challenge of Favor (Part II)

While having someone’s favor is a great blessing, we need to be careful who we are receiving it from. Sometimes people give favor because someone meets their needs; otherwise, they withhold or withdraw their favor.

So Joseph found favor in his sight, and served him. Then he made him overseer of his house, and all that he had he put under his authority. So it was, from the time that he had made him overseer of his house and all that he had, that the Lord blessed the Egyptian’s house for Joseph’s sake; and the blessing of the Lord was on all that he had in the house and in the field. Thus he left all that he had in Joseph’s hand, and he did not know what he had except for the bread which he ate. Genesis 39:4-6

Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers, but when he was sent to serve Potiphar, he served him wholeheartedly. Joseph made the best out of a very bad situation. The scripture tells us that the Lord blessed him and blessed the work of his hands. Joseph also had the favor of his master and had become in charge of all of his master’s affairs. Potiphar enjoyed being the recipient of the blessings that God bestowed on Joseph. However, Potiphar’s favor did not last forever. When Potiphar’s wife accused Joseph of coming on to her, Potiphar believed his wife and threw Joseph in jail.

Having favor with people is a tricky situation. Many people enjoy the favor but do not think about why they have favor with the person. A lot of times they think they are special that is why they receiving favor. The truth is that sometimes the favor comes because we are of benefit to someone. People tend to give favor for those who agree with them and support them in their goals. However, they are not interested in providing favor if the person does not hold up their part of the deal and stops their agreement with them.

We need to be careful with the favor we receive from people. The favor should be based on the character and the integrity of the two individuals-(the giver and the receiver). If the favor is dependent on a benefit derived, then the favor is on shaky ground, and it is more a bribe for good behavior rather than genuine favor. For the day they stop receiving the same benefits, the favor will be taken away.

In the case of Joseph, the Potiphar enjoyed all the benefits of Joseph serving at his house and him being blessed by the hand of God. His favor had nothing to do with Potiphar’s character or Joseph’s integrity. Those were not the considerations, so in the moment of pressure, Joseph was kicked out to the curb and thrown into prison without being heard and or being examined.  Similarly, Jesus had the favor of the people when he entered Jerusalem, but the following week they cried out, “Crucify Him”.

People have a tendency to be flaky, and they give favor when there is something in it for them. That’s why we have to be guarded about man’s favor and not depend on it. We also should not expect it because the day we expect it, we will conjure up ways to earn the favor. This is a slippery slope for in the manner we have received the favor, we would be pressured to keep it.

Furthermore, if someone truly has Godly character and is consistent emotionally and mentally, they will not use favor as a point of manipulation and control. Instead, they will give favor because God is leading them to do it. Then we can rest assured that it is not up to us to keep the favor, and neither do we have to compromise our values to avoid losing it.

Do you have people’s favor? Have you examined why you have their favor? Do you feel pressured to agree or do certain things to keep the favor? Do you favor other people? If so, is it really partiality or is it favor that has been led by the Lord? Are you using it as a form of control to ensure people do what you expect them to do? Let’s prayerfully examine our relationships and ensure that they are healthy and pure from the pollution and carnality of the world.



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