The Challenge with Competition (Part III)

This is a continuation on problems with competition for us as believers.

6. Competition is centered around the fear of man

The fear of man brings a snare, But whoever trusts in the Lord shall be safe. Proverbs 29:25

Competition sets a standard that everyone needs to strive for. The standard of competition could be high and even unrealistic. Nevertheless, the goal is to reach a man-made standard, but it has nothing to do with God’s standard for His children.

For example, athletes are defined with how skilled they are in their sports. Most people don’t care about the person’s character, integrity, or how they treat their family members. All that matters is that they are winners on the field or on the court. A person may feel satisfied temporarily because others look up to them or follow them everywhere. However, God may not be pleased with that person at all. It is no wonder that many celebrities develop various self-destructive addictions. The world tells them that they are great and wonderful but deep inside that is not how they feel. Then they wonder what is wrong with them and why they can’t appreciate all their success or fame!

Similarly, we may reach a man-made standard in a certain field and be a winner. However, God cares about our heart condition, character, and obedience regardless of how impressive we are to others. When we allow the world to define our worthiness based on competition, we develop a faulty foundation and neglect what the Lord says about us. The truth is that competition can never create a solid identity because it is based on external accomplishments. Those who are ruled by competition, will have to prop themselves by drawing on addictive habits/relationships to shut the voice inside of them that is telling them that they are not good enough!

7. There is no end to competition

Competition has an insatiable desire for a person to continue to prove that they are the most capable, most beautiful, most athletic, most skilled, etc. It is an insecure state of being since there could always be someone better. One can never feel that they have arrived. As Proverbs 29:25 (see above scripture) states clearly,  people become enslaved to the need to do more and be more. Competition produces a vicious cycle, and it becomes a snare to the wellbeing and security of the person!

8. Competition inhibits vulnerability

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30

Competition changes the subject about one’s inner needs and focuses on accomplishments. Vulnerability is a bad word in the mind of one who is competitive. Those who are driven by competition feel too scared to open up and ask for help. That would be humiliating to them. Instead, they would rather be seen that they have it all together and be applauded in order to ease the pain of their brokenness. A Competitive person feels that they are always on stage performing to the crowd. Hence they have to be on their best behavior, look good, and be impressive.

If we really want to be touched by God, we need to have a safe place where we are not concerned about impressing or outshining others. We need to acknowledge our burdens, needs, and insecurities and be willing to receive help, healing, prayer, and counsel.

As children of God, how do we ensure that our identity is not based on competing with others? I will share about this in the next devotional. 

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