The Dangers of Envy (Part IV)

Do not let your heart envy sinners, But be zealous for the fear of the Lord all the day; Proverbs 23:17

Some people envy others because they see them getting away with evil. I shared in the last devotional about Joseph’s brothers envying him, and they got away with their evil for many years. The above scripture tells us that we need to guard our hearts from envying sinners. This is what Joseph did when his brothers acted unfairly towards him. He did not allow their evil actions to change him or cause him to sin.

In addition, although Joseph was wronged by his brothers, he continued to trust God when Potiphar’s wife tried to tempt him. Subsequently, she falsely accused Joseph of making advances towards her, but Joseph was zealous for the fear of the Lord and did not sin against the Lord or the Potiphar. Other people’s bad behavior should not stop us from doing what is right.

The good news is that the envy of Joseph’s brothers did not stop God’s plan for Joseph, and their actions even pushed Joseph to be in the right place for God’s plan. Joseph continued to fear God and be faithful to the Lord, and God advanced him despite of all the obstacles.

Do not envy the oppressor, And choose none of his ways; For the perverse person is an abomination to the Lord, But His secret counsel is with the upright. Proverbs 3:31-32

The scriptures clearly direct us not to be envious of those who do wrong.  The truth is that the world is full of those who will act unfairly or in shady manner. Other people’s actions do not change the fact that envy is dangerous and demonic, and it does not produce any good fruit. Furthermore, God is intimate with those whom He trusts and those who live their lives to please Him.

Is it truly worth missing out on our intimacy with the Lord and having His secret counsel over envying others!? God showed His secret counsel to Joseph by allowing him to interpret accurately people’s dreams including Pharaoh’s dreams. The Lord used him in a powerful way even though his brothers had tried to get rid of him to ensure that he will not be their leader someday. However, they could not thwart God’s plan, and the Lord allowed Joseph to be in a position where his brothers would have needed him. After all those years that seemingly they got away with their wicked schemes, Joseph was merciful to his brothers when they came seeking food during famine in their land.

Envy has a toxic and insidious affect, and we must do everything we can not to open the door to this dangerous spirit. Make a commitment not to give room to envy in your life. Sometimes, it will be a battle to refrain from envy. However, we have to keep in mind that pleasing the Lord, having His secret counsel, and remaining healthy physically are far more valuable than being envious. Continue to fight the battle to remain in the spirit and don’t make any provision for the flesh! Like Joseph, we can be a blessing to those who persecuted us instead of envying them. 

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