The Importance of Waiting (Part IV)

While it’s true that many find waiting challenging, as people of faith, waiting is an integral aspect of God’s divine plan and our journey of faith. By patiently awaiting His timing, we open ourselves to a deeper and more meaningful experience of God in our lives.

Waiting Allows God To Intervene

I will wait for You, O You his Strength; For God is my defense. Psalm 59:9

Wait:Hebrew 8104-to keep, guard, observe, give heed 1) to be on one’s guard, take heed, take care, beware 2) to keep oneself, refrain, abstain

The above definition reminds us that sometimes waiting is more than focusing on what we want; we need to heed and pay attention to what the Lord is saying. Waiting guards our hearts from distractions, so we can pay attention to what the Lord desires. This is also a position of strength.

There are times when we may be accused or misunderstood, and our first reaction tends to be to defend ourselves and set matters straight. One may even attack to ensure they stand up for themselves. That’s how arguments and strife ensue. It takes a lot of self-control to protect our hearts and mouths, not to say things, to wait, and to trust God. The Lord has a way of protecting the righteous!

Waiting Keeps Us Steadfast

Not only that, but we also who have the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting for the adoption, the redemption of our body. Romans 8:23

Wait: Greek 553- assiduously and patiently waiting for

Assiduously: Webster’s definition: marked by careful unremitting attention or persistent application

The sons and daughters of God have the hope of eternal life. Someday, upon His return, our Savior will wipe out all the struggles of daily life and the injustice of sin. 

This steadfast focus gives every believer hope and expectation of eternity. In light of this hope, the significance of the issues dealt with on this earth takes on a different perspective and intensity.  

The story of some of the heroes of faith is amazing! Many overcame fear, hatred, persecution, and imprisonment. Some were even martyred. These individuals lived with open hearts and hands, not afraid of losing it all. No one could take away the most critical prized possession: their relationship with their Lord! They waited with the hope and expectation of God’s promises (See Hebrews 11: 13). 

God uses “waiting” to reveal His character to us. Suppose we take matters into our own hands by not waiting on Him. In that case, we will miss learning more about Him and allowing our faith to grow in Him. We also lose the opportunity to overcome impatience, insecurity, fear, and unbelief.

Have you considered the areas of your life where waiting is difficult? Would you ask the Lord to give you the courage to be “steadfast” the next time you feel fearful, agitated, or discontent while waiting?

Image by Wolfgang Eckert from Pixabay

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