True Discernment (Part IV)

Sometimes we see others through the lens of our own fears and inadequacies, and we call it discernment, but that is not a Godly discernment! That’s just suspicion! If Barnabas had not given Paul a chance, we would not have had almost half the books of the New Testament!

The Messiah has made things up between us so that we’re now together on this, both non-Jewish outsiders and Jewish insiders. He tore down the wall we used to keep each other at a distance. He repealed the law code that had become so clogged with fine print and footnotes that it hindered more than it helped. Then he started over. Instead of continuing with two groups of people separated by centuries of animosity and suspicion, he created a new kind of human being, a fresh start for everybody. Ephesians 2:14-15 (MSG)

When we have not allowed God to do His deep work in our lives, we see things through the lens of our own unresolved fears, hurt, and insecurities. As a result, we may have a bent on seeing others suspiciously. Because of past pain, some choose to protect themselves by assuming the worst in someone to ensure that they don’t have to take risks or get hurt again. What they call discernment is really suspicion wearing religious clothing!

Jesus came to break down the walls of animosity and suspicion. There were centuries of animosity and distrust between the Jews and the Gentiles, but Jesus came to remove those barriers and to renew people’s lens towards God, themselves, and others, so they can begin to see things clearly.

Some of us have erected barriers between ourselves and others, and we hold on to them in the name of discernment and wisdom. What if the Lord is asking us to put away our old lens and to pick up His fresh lens that gives us a different perspective on life!?

The truth is being suspicious is not a heavenly discernment, but it is a carnal way of dealing with our unresolved issues and holding on to our prejudices. In addition, some of us have an idealistic view of life and how people should act. As a result, when they don’t come through, we are let down deeply, which further adds to our suspicion of people.

The Lord is in the business of healing all of us and readjusting our discernment to fit His standard of good and evil., This doesn’t mean we won’t get hurt by people. Discernment is not always meant to protect us from discomfort or pain but to prepare us for it, so we can navigate through it successfully without allowing it to derail us. Jesus picked Judas as one of His disciples. I don’t believe Jesus lacked Godly discernment. This was part of God’s plan all along and the Lord was glorified through that process.

In the Old Testament, Saul is an example of a person who did not allow God to deal with the issues of his heart. As a result, his heart was sick and he became jealous of David and was suspicious of him.  The truth was that God was planning to replace Saul with David because of Saul’s disobedience, but it had nothing to do with David trying to oust him in his own strength and effort. Saul had a wrong view of David and instead of getting his life right with God, he was suspicious of him, and he continually chased David trying to kill him.

I wonder how many people we have shunned with our attitudes seeing them as people who want to do us in!? Is that the truth or is God really trying to show us something about the condition of our hearts? It is possible that our discernment is accurate, but our solution is a carnal solution for preserving ourselves. Discerning the situation correctly is critical but so is handling the situation properly, so we can allow God to bear the fruit He desires. Amen!


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