The Growth of a Born Again Christian

In the last devotional, I explained what it means to be born again. In this devotional, I’m going to share the journey after one has become a born again Christian.

A healthy baby will be hungry

Becoming born again is the beginning of an adventurous and close walk with God. We get to know him through the Bible and through the revelation of the Holy Spirit. Just as new babies need milk, a born again baby will crave food. The new believer has a desire to grow and mature in truth and in God’s ways.

A born again baby is growing

If there is a healthy birth, then there will be healthy growth in a new believer’s life. As cute as the baby stage is, a parent would not desire for their children to stay in that stage for too long. They would want their children to grow according to their age and stage. A two-year old should be much more capable than a baby. He/she can walk, talk, ask for food, and drink from a cup. Just as a parent doesn’t want their baby to stay stuck in baby stage, it is God’s desire for us to grow and mature in our walk and relationship with Him.

A born again believer gets to know their heavenly Father

One of the major changes that happens after we are born again is that we get to know God personally. Up to this point, our knowledge and understanding of God has been very shallow and limited. It is like knowing someone famous from a distance. Most of us don’t have a personal relationship with the President of the United States. In some ways, we may think we know him because of all the information that is available about him. However, we really don’t know him until we meet him and start interacting with him at a personal level. In a much profound level, we get to know the Lord and have a personal relationship with Him rather than just admire Him from a distance or depend on other people’s knowledge of Him.

A born again believer is changing

Those things that used to be hard for us to change, now God gives us the ability and the desire to alter. A new believer starts to lose taste for the things of the world and its passions and starts developing an appetite for the things of God. The Lord begins to infuse a new believer with His character qualities: joy, peace, patience, kindness, and other fruit of the Spirit.

Obedience is an integral part of growth

Jesus said: “If you love Me, keep My commandments…” John 14:15

Just as a parent teaches their children boundaries and obedience, God begins that process in a new believer’s life. Those who come from permissive environments, learn that they can’t be a spoiled child anymore! They now need to accept correction and stop looking to have their way all the time. They start learning humility and submission towards God and others.

Those who come from difficult or mean environments realize that they are not an orphan anymore. They learn to put their swords down and stop fighting. They grow in trust and receiving love from God and others. They learn gentleness and compassion. Change can be very painful but it is necessary for our spiritual growth.

Being a born again Christian starts with an event but it doesn’t end there. The day we accept Jesus as our Savior and Lord is the beginning of the rest of our lives. We get to know the Lord as our Father, counselor, comforter, and friend. It is a journey of change from carnal existence to a Christ-centered life.

As we continue to read the word of God, pray, obey, and be in fellowship with other believers, we strengthen the spirit man and weaken the old nature. Over time, we are looking more and more like Jesus. We are now on our way to becoming a true strong Christian!




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