Unnecessary Attachments (Part I)

As I was making one of my many Amazon purchases this week, I realized how dependent I have become on this form of digital shopping.  It’s hard to remember the time that I actually had to wait and not have the item right away. Similarly, we create unnecessary spiritual and emotional attachments and we tell ourselves that we can’t live without them.

The truth is that God allows us to have attachments, but they are meant for a reason and season in life.

Surely I have calmed and quieted my soul,
Like a weaned child with his mother;
Like a weaned child is my soul within me. Psalm 131:2

In the above scripture, David likens his relationship to the Lord as a child that is weaned from his mother but can remain calm and quiet. When a baby is weaned from their mother, they generally are not calm nor quiet about it. Something that has been so enjoyable and comforting is begin taken away from them, and at first, it causes discomfort and insecurity. That’s all they have known since they opened their eyes in this world, but sooner or later there comes a time that the baby must be weaned.

Babies still need to get fed but not in the manner that the baby was used to. The mother will not be the only one who will be feeding the baby, and the baby also can begin enjoying mom for more than being fed by her.

Similarly, we tend to get attached to people and things as well. We enjoy the comfort and the security the attachments provide for us, but there comes a time that we need to be weaned away from those unnecessary attachments. What was once necessary or needed,  now it can become debilitating and stunt the growth of each person.

Are there people or things that you are attached to that the Lord has been speaking to you about? Are you feeling somethings are not healthy as they used to be and a change is necessary? Just because something worked five years ago, it doesn’t mean that it is still valid or necessary in our lives. Furthermore, it’s also possible that others are attached to us for wrong reasons, and we need to take the leadership to wean them away so they can grow up and become all God has called to be

Let’s ask the Holy Spirit to reveal to us any unhealthy or unnecessary attachments in our lives.


Image by Luisella Planeta LOVE PEACE  from Pixabay



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